This Year’s Most Popular Finance Tips: 2016

Posted by Madison on December 28, 2016

My Dollar Plan just celebrated nine years of personal finance! Thank you to each one of you for reading, commenting and sharing your own personal finance tips and questions. I love receiving your emails with feedback and ideas for making My Dollar Plan articles even better.

I truly hope you found lots of information to help you grow your wealth and improve your finances during the year. It’s time to look back at the most popular articles in 2016.

If you missed the most popular finance tips this year, here’s a recap:

Growing Your Wealth

Making money and growing your wealth is always one of our most popular topics here at My Dollar Plan:

Spending Your Money

Here are some of the most popular articles about spending money this year:

Improve Your Finances

Here are popular articles to change your relationship with money and improve your finances:

Get Organized

Here are popular articles to help you get organized:

Taxes and Investing

Are you a fan of minimizing your taxes and maximizing your investments? Check out:

Credit Cards

This year was huge for making money with credit cards! Here are some of the most popular articles and offers:

You can get my latest articles full of valuable tips and other information delivered directly to your email for free simply by entering your email address below. Your address will never be sold or used for spam and you can unsubscribe at any time.


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