Last month our most popular finance tips were finding your missing money, putting money in a 401k and an IRA at the same time, using credit cards strategically, college money myths, a $25 bonus for college students, handling stock market uncertainty, and a $100 PenFed bonus.
If you missed the most popular finance tips last month, here’s a quick overview:
Most Popular Finance Tips: August
How to Find Your Missing and Unclaimed Money for Free. Did you look up your name in the different databases to see if you have any unclaimed money?
6 Steps to Use Credit Cards Strategically. Use your credit cards for cash back and rewards. How to take advantage of the rewards.
Can You Have a 401k and an IRA at the Same Time? Can you open both accounts and make contributions to both in the same year? Hint: yes!
Stock Market Uncertainty and What Investors Should Do Next. Create and stick to an investment plan and tune out the noise.
PenFed Power Cash Rewards $100 Credit Card Bonus. An easy bonus for Penfed and how to qualify for a Penfed membership.
Citi Thank You Preferred $25 Sign Up Bonus for College Students. A bonus just for college students!
10 College Money Myths to Avoid. These popular money myths won’t help you get ahead financially. Do your best to avoid them in college.
Popular on My Dollar Plan Facebook
We are getting fanatical about money on the My Dollar Plan Facebook page! Check out our surprising things you can turn into cash video:
More Popular on My Dollar Plan Facebook in August:
From the Archives: Popular Last August
Fan Favorites in August
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