I’m finally learning how to do all the cool social networking stuff on the internet! Ever since I graduated from college (7 years ago), I haven’t really kept up to date beyond emailing.
Recently I’ve been on a roll, first I learned to text message on my Sprint Centro with the SERO plan and now I’m finally into some of the technology on the web. Here’s how to find me:
Want to learn more about me and My Dollar Plan? David at My Two Dollars interviewed me recently.
Economic Stimulus Money
Your Economic Stimulus Check is Coming
The IRS pushed up the schedule and the first checks began arriving this week.
Adding 10% to Your “Economic Stimulus†Rebate
A great idea to stretch your rebate dollars even further at Krogers… I just wish we had one!
Economic Stimulus Rebate – Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about your rebate check: the who, what, when and how much.
The Day Job
Build A Business Before You Go Solo
This is a timely article for me after I was handed the news about our pension plan. It is important to get things sorted out before relying on a new business.
Speaking of job quitting… Brip Blap did just that last week. Read the good and the bad about his new move and see if it will be permanent.
Reviewing my children’s allowances
With two kids still in diapers, we haven’t hit the allowance phase, but it is something I’m considering. See how one family does it and if it is working or not.
Do You Pay Your Kids an Allowance?
Instead of an allowance, this family uses a commission schedule.
By the numbers:
Other articles I enjoyed this week:
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Thanks for the link to my commission schedule article. And good luck with the social media stuff – when you figure out Facebook let me know, because I have been very, very slow to adopt anything outside of Stumble and Twitter (and I use those sparingly).
Thanks for the mention. 🙂
Sounds good, I’m really getting hooked on Twitter as of late. I’m fizzling out on StumleUpon, but will try to do more with that. I continue to avoid Facebook for the time being. Will follow you on Twitter.
Hey, thanks for the link! I’m so far behind in social networking I may never catch up but I sure am trying. Seems that just as I get used to one format, another one I need to learn comes along.
Thank you for sharing my 34 ways to save money on car expenses with your readers.
Hey Madison, thanks for linking to my article!