3rd quarter cash back is here! It’s time to reevaluate the cards you are carrying to take advantage of 3rd quarter 2013 cash rewards credit cards bonuses. Every quarter we reevaluate the cash back cards to make sure we get the highest cash back on each purchase including the credit cards that offer cash back […]
Archive for June, 2013
After I shared How I Made $10,000 Selling on Amazon, a reader Shaun, wrote to share his success story selling on Amazon. I was so excited when he shared his numbers, because I know there are lots of other readers who like being able to see the numbers too. Background Shaun got started 8.5 months […]
Taxes and the entire tax season can be pretty stressful trying to get all your paperwork organized, figuring out any deductions or claims that should be made, and of course, sitting down to fill out the right forms accurately and timely. But, for some people, there is a glorious light at the end of that […]
Do You Know What ATM Skimming Is?
Posted byPreviously I wrote about identity theft, both ways to protect yourself along with ways to recover from identity theft. Next I’m going to talk about a certain type of identity theft that is growing in popularity all over the United States. It’s called ATM skimming and it is very easy to fall victim to it. […]
Should You Reinvest Dividends?
Posted byEvery quarter some of my stocks pay dividends. Depending on the various mutual funds I own, I receive a dividend from them either quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. I have all of these dividends set to reinvest back into the funds they came from. Why? Because by reinvesting the dividends, I increase the return of those […]
Grocery Budget Challenge Results
Posted byDid you take the Grocery Budget Challenge to Trim Your Grocery Budget By 15% last month? How did you do? If you remember, some of my friends felt like their grocery budgets were out of control. Both families of 5, they shared that their grocery budgets were $800 and well over $1,200 each month. I […]
Smart Ways to Save on Summertime Fun
Posted byFinally! Summer is here, and if you’re like me, you’re ready for warmer weather, enjoying the outdoors, and barbecues. I’ve always loved summer, but in the past, I’ve always found myself spending more than I’d like to during summer. Between taking a vacation, activities, air conditioning, gas prices getting around, and more, summer can be […]
This is the time of year when the semester is over for college students, and they begin looking for a summer, seasonal position. Grabbing a seasonal position while you’re not taking classes is a great idea. You can save up to avoid student loans for next semester, earn money for books and other supplies, and […]
If you reference Obamacare and 2014 in the same sentence, prepare to get a plethora of comments from the group you are speaking with. This is because many additional provisions of the new Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (typically referred to as “Obamacareâ€) go into effect in that year. Some people are happy […]
Credit Card Bonus Strategies Q & A
Posted byFinding credit card strategies that generate free money and cash back is probably my favorite hobby. Probably? Ok, it is. Let’s tackle the growing list of questions readers have about some of the credit card strategies we’ve talked about recently. Bluebird Strategy We recently discussed how to Use Bluebird to Pay Bills with a Credit […]