I poured over spreadsheets the last couple weeks trying to decide if I could pull off the retirement. My company gave us two weeks notice before our pension plan would drop significantly.
Obsessing Over the Decision
It was funny, even though I kept looking at the numbers, they didn’t change! As Mike from Quest for Four Pillars would probably tell me, stop looking at those spreadsheets and just do it already! And Penelope from Brazen Careerist had an article recently that reminds us to stop obsessing over the decision.
Ironically, I feel like I already evaluated this decision when I looked at staying home with my kids. The numbers haven’t changed significantly; I’m about a third of the way done with my plan. I still need to refinance the house though.
Administration Mix up
Last week I mentioned that I had two strikes ($20 in expired Kohl’s cash and $55 for a replacement phone). I was just waiting for the third and last Wednesday it happened.
I called our benefits vendor and HR to confirm the date for a decision. Unfortunately, it looks like they dropped the ball and forgot that some of us might be taking the retirement option who aren’t retirement age. We have a different date. I think they actually felt bad for me because it probably never occurred to them a 28 year old would jump on this offer.
It turned out that I would have had to give notice, and start the paperwork that day and leave by the end of the month…. earlier than the people who are retirement age who could stay midway through June. There is absolutely no way I could get my house refinanced by the end of the month.
Second Chance
Luckily, there is another opportunity in December to consider. And financially, it could actually be a better offer for me than the one this month was. (Part of the reason I didn’t fight the date change.) To be ready for it, I’ll be hard at work to finalize the outstanding items in my action plan:
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If you have another window then I agree – it’s better to wait.