Posted by Madison on November 27, 2009
Did you sleep in and skip the Black Friday hooplah? If so, you’ll want to check out the Ebates deal today… double cash back! It’s our Free Money Friday offer today.
Ebates scored first place when readers voted on their Favorite Cash Back Programs.
How to Get Your Double Cash Back
- Login to your Ebates account (or open a new one to get a $5 bonus).
- Click on the Black Friday Sales page to see new cash back amounts.
- Start shopping!
Ebates Black Friday Stores
There’s hundreds of stores listed, but here are some that I’ll be shopping at today through Ebates:
- Old Navy & Gap: 10%.
- The Disney Store: 10%.
- Kohls: 6%.
- Office Max: 6%.
- Sears: 6%.
More Black Friday Shopping
Amazon. We all know I love Amazon! So I’m busy shopping the Amazon Black Friday deals.
eBay. We’re buying and selling on eBay today. We had an extra ipod from buying our ooma phone that we decided to sell. I’ll use the proceeds to buy another gift for someone.
Plastic Jungle. For those that get gift cards on our list, Plastic Jungle is my new favorite place to get them!
Happy Shopping!
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1 Comment
My wife and I went to our first Black Friday adventure today, and I must say that will be the last one I goto.
I walked in a Walmart and saw lines that spanned over 50 yards at each register. I left after 20 min – all the good stuff was long gone anyway.
We did make it to some outlet malls and found smaller lines and some nice deals on some items, mostly clothes. However, it was tough walking around in the cold at 5am.
Next year, we are going to online route…