source: CNN Money
Obviously, it’s already a long week with the market swinging wildly each day: back to back stock market slides, a rally, another slide, another rally, and another slide. And based on the way investors are reacting to every piece of news lately, it seems likely that the volatility will continue for awhile.
Some people have made comparisons to our market crash in 2008 (and some economists are insistent this time is different). Similar or not, large market swings tend to bring out the fear in even the most rational investors.
I went back through old articles from 2008, and found a collection of articles with some great perspective that still holds true today: Your 9 Step Economic Action Plan.
Two of my favorite points in the list: increase your investments and stay the course. That’s what I’m doing right now as a long term investor. I’m not a market timer, but I do like to pick up a few extra shares at times like this, remembering the old quote from Warren Buffet:
Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
I scheduled some extra solo 401k contributions this week and I’m sticking with our current asset allocation plan. Nothing too exciting, right?
Is the market volatility making you anxious? What are you doing with your investments right now?
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