What’s Your Retirement Story?

Posted by Madison on January 11, 2008

Today rocketc writes a guest post for My Dollar Plan. He’s a dad of three who enjoys teaching his kids about money, a subject close to my heart! Find more of his articles at Rocket Finance and subscribe to the Rocket feed. Photography: Red Sunset by ponanwi I want to thank Madison for giving me the opportunity to guest post today. […]

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Public Employees can Double-dip on Retirement

Posted by Madison on December 26, 2007

I’ve been finalizing our budget for the upcoming year. Included is determining how much to contribute to our various retirement accounts. My husband works for a university, so he has two plans available to him: the 457 and the 403b.

Why Am I Unpopular at Christmas?

Posted by Madison on December 19, 2007

I’d like to think that as the family financial guru, I give the best gifts! I put a lot of thought into each one and come up with gifts that will keep on giving, sometimes for the lifetime of the recipient. So why do people dread my great gift giving ideas?

Roth 401k: What Is It?

Posted by Madison on November 29, 2007

In Roth IRA Conversion Rules Highlighted Russ commented that his employer is starting a Roth 401k plan. The Roth 401k plans are relatively new and many people haven’t heard of them yet. Employers are slowly starting to offer them to employees. Let’s explore how the Roth 401k works, the benefits over the Roth IRA, and […]

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