This article could save you hundreds of dollars but to display it you need to follow these four easy steps: Click here and select your state. OPTIONAL: Get a quote from any of the listed companies. Return here and enter the name of FIRST insurance company that appears in the list. Click “Unlock” to display […]
I revamped our portfolio this fall with the intent of simplifying it. I settled on the total market approach. Update: Here is my most recent asset allocation update. My final percentages were a cross between the strategy of the Vanguard Target Retirement funds (specifically the 2045 fund) and Taylor Larimore’s four fund portfolio at the […]
How Do I Organize 181 Accounts?
Posted byHow exactly do I stay organized with 89 credit accounts, 31 bank accounts, 29 investment accounts and 32 other accounts (not including 14 accounts for the kids and numerous accounts for family members)? That’s what readers wanted to know when I started to describe some of the details of our accounts. I’ll highlight my various […]
I’ve been finalizing our budget for the upcoming year. Included is determining how much to contribute to our various retirement accounts. My husband works for a university, so he has two plans available to him: the 457 and the 403b.
Why Am I Unpopular at Christmas?
Posted byI’d like to think that as the family financial guru, I give the best gifts! I put a lot of thought into each one and come up with gifts that will keep on giving, sometimes for the lifetime of the recipient. So why do people dread my great gift giving ideas?
Creating a Special Needs Trust
Posted byWe recently set up a special needs trust for for a family member. It is an important part of planning for the future of a disabled individual and has large consequences if done incorrectly. Special Needs Trust Special needs trusts, or supplemental needs trusts, provide the means to care for a disabled child (or adult) after the […]
Bank IPOs: Mutual to stock conversions
Posted byFor today’s Dollar-a-day challenge I closed a savings account that was originally opened at a mutual bank. Since that bank has converted I can move the money elsewhere where it will earn interest at a more competitive rate. Getting in on stock initial public offerings (IPOs) is rather difficult. Mutual bank conversions, however, provide a […]