Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act is now in the fourth year of providing health insurance. However, it will only be the third year of reconciling the health care requirements and the health insurance premium tax credit on your tax return in the spring. Health Insurance Penalty The fee, or insurance penalty tax, for going […]
What is Cancer Insurance?
Posted byA few years ago a company selling cancer insurance came to our place of work. They advertised free consultations around the office, flyers, handouts when we came through the door, an email and what clinched the deal were the free donuts they were giving away to anyone who showed up. Okay, the free donuts and […]
According to the US Census Bureau, the number of unmarried adult couples has greatly increased over the past 50 years. Nowadays, it is more socially acceptable to move in together before getting married and more and more people are thinking twice about marriage. Many of the people that are thinking twice about marriage are doing […]
To be quite honest, I never used to know what our homeowner’s insurance actually covered. We were in the midst of buying our first home in 2009, and I only knew that I had to have it. Because of the time crunch (once we had found the home we wanted), we did not even take […]
Watch Out for These Insurance Scams
Posted byInsurance is one of those necessary expenses in life. Perhaps we don’t like to see hundreds of dollars every month go towards premiums that we may not have submitted a single claim on (I don’t know about you, but I am grateful to not have submitted a claim on several types of the insurance we […]
Is Pet Insurance Worth It?
Posted byWe had a horrible thing happen to us in February of this year. I was sitting in our library, when my cat Lyla wanted to be let outside (evident by her impatient scratching at the front door). She is generally an inside cat, but likes to go outside each day for a few hours. I […]
There are complaints and horrible stories all over the web about insurance claims gone horribly wrong. One person knows someone who thought they were covered in the event of the water heater exploding, only to find out that the insurance company will pay them nothing due to code violations. Another person can’t believe that their […]
My father was one of the millions of Americans who were dropped by their health insurance provider. He and his wife work for themselves, so they’ve carried an expensive individual policy. In November of last year, he received notice that his policy was going to be dropped, giving him until December 31st to find a […]
I didn’t really see the need to figure out the difference between these three health accounts until my husband lost his job. Suddenly, I was quite interested in what was going to happen to the $1200+ or so that was in our Health Reimbursement Accounts. When I learned that we would not have access to […]
Is Obamacare Free?
Posted byOn Halloween my husband was laid off. His job never gave us warm fuzzies in the job security department ever since two years ago when the company was bought out by another that buys companies and sells them at a profit. Over the last two years various people have been let go and fired, and […]