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Amanda on December 26, 2013
The Making Home Affordable (MHA) program was created to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stabilize the country’s housing market, and improve the nation’s economy. It primarily helps people who are underwater in their mortgage (i.e. owe their original mortgage lender more than what the house is currently worth due to the housing crisis), who need a […]
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Amanda on December 18, 2013
All week our holiday gift guide series features gifts for the people on your list who are hard to buy for! Do you have people on your list who already have almost everything? On my side of the family we purchase a gift for almost everyone. Since there are so many people to buy for, […]
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Amanda on December 17, 2013
The holiday gift guide series continues this week with custom gift ideas! If you plan to order gifts online, don’t forget today is the Amazon order deadline to get your gifts in time for the holidays with free super saver shipping. Amazon Prime members can order until December 21 for free 2-day shipping. It used […]
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Amanda on December 16, 2013
We’re wrapping up our holiday gift guide series this week with gift ideas to help you finish your shopping. All week we’re featuring gifts for the people on your list who are hard to buy for! First up are new parents. Purchasing a gift for new parents can be difficult as they likely recently had […]
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Amanda on December 10, 2013
The holiday gift guide series continues this week with gift ideas for pets. In our household, we don’t forget our little critters at Christmas time. Sure, they probably don’t know any better (though you bet their little eyes light up at the goodies!). But it brings us joy to hang a stocking for our two […]
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Amanda on December 4, 2013
So much of our lives has “gone digitalâ€. While I like to keep my life as un-digital as a blogger possibly can (it’s a struggle), I do think there is some fun to be had by adding in a little digital around the holidays. There’s plenty of free online holiday music, games, and more to […]
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Amanda on November 13, 2013
On Halloween my husband was laid off. His job never gave us warm fuzzies in the job security department ever since two years ago when the company was bought out by another that buys companies and sells them at a profit. Over the last two years various people have been let go and fired, and […]
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Amanda on November 11, 2013
Do your kids love to play games on your phone, iPad, or other smart device? I’ve seen many kids doing this on their parents’ smartphones at the cash register in a store, while on a road trip, at home while they are cooking dinner, etc. While you may not want to have your own children […]
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Amanda on October 30, 2013
There are two sides and two perspectives to every question out there. In the case of this question, whether or not a prisoner has to pay taxes, on the one side are all of the law-abiding citizens who feel that prisoners should not be given a tax-free gift by the federal government. On the other […]
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Amanda on October 28, 2013
If you are a disciplined credit card user—one that diligently pays off the balance you ring up before the grace period ends every month—then paying your student loans on a credit card seems like an easy way to rack up extra credit card reward points for something you were going to do anyway. It kind […]
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