5 Tips for Frugal Summer Fun
Summer is easily one of my favorite seasons of the year. The warm weather and long days allow for me to get outside a lot and just have fun. Of course when having fun, I always have to keep in mind my budget. As anyone knows, falling victim to summertime fun and going over budget is easy to do. Below I highlight some of the ways I have summer fun, in a frugal way.
Frugal Summer Fun Tips
- Golf. I love to play golf. Any golfer knows though that paying to play golf can be pricey. But, you do have a few options. First, you should simply do some searching for little known courses around you. I found a fun course tucked away that only costs me $8 to play 9 holes. The average price for 9 holes in my area is closer to $30.
Additionally, you should look into daily specials. Many of the golf courses here offer twilight discounts for those teeing off after 4pm during the week. At one course in particular, the price for 18 holes and a golf cart is just $20 after 4pm. The deals are out there, you just have to find them.
Lastly, a great way to save money golfing is to use a gift card. I make it a point to tell my family that I would love to get some golf gift cards for my birthday and Christmas. Telling them this now allows them to easily go to the courses and buy gift cards instead of during the wintertime when it is much harder.
- Outdoor Activities. Getting out and enjoying the weather doesn’t need to cost a lot. Find nearby parks for walking or throwing a Frisbee. If the park has water, you can rent a kayak and enjoy the lake. Ideally, there will be trails as well to ride your bike on.
- Free Movies. Many communities offer free movies during the summer. Keep an eye out for your township or city newsletter for all of the details. The movies they show tend to be children’s movies, which is good or bad, depending on how you look at it.
- Daily Deals. Daily deal sites, like Groupon, are a great way to have fun during the summer while keeping costs low. You’ll find discounts to amusement parks, various day trips, and other fun activities. Just make sure that you only buy the deals that you truly want to use. Many times it can be all too easy to get caught up in the moment and buy a deal you really have no interest in using.
- Pot Luck. When my wife and I want to get together with friends, we tend to do pot luck picnics. Every month the dinner is at someone else’s house. We all bring a dish and then sit outside eating and enjoying the company.
When dinner is finished, we break out some board games and keep the fun times going. It’s a great way to spend time with friends without breaking the bank.
Final Thoughts
Overall, it is easy to have fun in the summer while watching your budget. You just have to make a little bit of an effort to find where the free or discounted events are happening. When you do find a deal, it will make all of the searching well worth the time and you’ll have a blast doing an activity you enjoy while saving money at the same time.
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