There are certain times when you must file a tax return. But believe it or not, there are also times when you might want to file a tax return even though you aren’t required to do so! When to File an Optional Tax Return The IRS specifies that you may want to file a tax […]
Archive for November, 2010
So today is the day we’re supposed to sit at our computers and shop all day! Of course, I like to do that everyday from now until December 22, but I’ll definitely put a big dent in our online shopping today! If you are planning on getting some online shopping done for Cyber Monday, here […]
Black Friday wouldn’t be complete without a great Free Money Friday offer! Lucky for us, Discover came through with a great holiday shopping offer to double your cash back on online shopping! How to Get Your Double Cash Back Sign up for Discover’s double Cashback Bonus promotion. Get double cash back on up to $1,000 in […]
Christmas Shipping Deadlines
Posted byChristmas shipping deadlines for 2010 are here! It’s probably time to start making our Christmas lists, because before you know it the holidays will be just days away. I’m a procrastinator; it’s not a secret. However, I do like to make sure that our holiday cards and packages arrive by Christmas. With Christmas on a […]
4 Black Friday Spending Traps to Avoid
Posted byThanksgiving is just around the corner. For some that means the four “Fs:†family, friends, food and football (maybe that last one is only in Texas). For others, it just means the day before the big S: shopping! Or maybe the other big S: sale. It is easy to get excited about Black Friday sales, […]
Ever since Microsoft Money discontinued their product, I’ve worked on converting from Microsoft Money to Quicken. But there have been some bumps in the road. Most of them are just little things that can be fixed, but finding the answers has been time consuming! I’ve been making a running list of the topics I needed […]
It’s time for the second giveaway in My Favorite Things. One of my new favorite toys for saving money is the Foodsaver I bought during summer. And what better time to have a Foodsaver handy, with Thanksgiving leftovers just around the corner? I’ll ship one lucky email reader a Foodsaver 2840! (Or if you already […]
5 Free Holiday Web Services
Posted byThe holidays are all about spending time with the ones you love, and showing them how much they mean to you. Use the free web services below to bring your family closer together, to reach out to friends and loved ones who may live far away, and to share some of the magic of Christmas […]
November brings Open Enrollment for many people. Open Enrollment is the time of the year when you can add or change benefits offered through your employer. For many people, the most significant part of this process is selecting a health insurance plan. Remember that due to the Healthcare Reform Bill, your benefits selections might need […]
Congrats to our three winners in the first giveaway of Madison’s Favorite Things: Saskia, Dana, and Robin. They will each receive an Amazon Gift Card just in time for holiday shopping! Don’t forget, there’s more Favorite Things to come, so be sure you are subscribed to daily emails during the holiday season! Announcements Don’t forget […]