Need a Turbotax Discount? It seems like every communication I receive from brokerages, insurance companies, and banks recently are for offers for a Turbotax discount.
If you missed the offer for Free Federal and State Tax Filing, and you still need to find a discount here is a list of all the discounts I could find. All but a few (like Vanguard) pretty much offer the same discount for $20 off, so it doesn’t matter which one you choose.
There are so many discounts, there is no need to pay full price! If you can’t find one of your banks on the list, you can also check your local credit union to see if they offer a discount. Some of the discounts require you to be a customer and some don’t.
TurboTax Discounts
Eliminated Turbo Tax Discounts
The following companies offered TurboTax discounts last year, but I can’t find a discount for your 2014 tax return due in 2015. I’m keeping a list in case you are a customer and used a discount from one of these companies in the past.
- AAA: AAA Turbotax Discount expired.
- Bank of America: Bank of America Turbotax Discount expired.
- Chase: Chase Turbotax Discount expired.
- Scottrade: Scottrade Turbotax Discount no longer listed; gives directions on how to import your Scottrade 1099 instead.
Cash Back on Turbotax
In addition to the discounts available through financial companies, many of the cash back sites are also offering cash back on tax products. They are:
If you want to purchase the software instead of using the online version, you can look for it at various retail shops including Costco, Walmart, ebay and Amazon.
Here are the Amazon Turbotax products. The prices fluctuate, but I listed the Prime price this weekend:
With all the Turbotax discounts, it would be almost impossible to pay full price! If you find any other Turbotax discounts, feel free to add them to the list!
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