There are lots of great articles this week about making, saving and investing money!
Finance Reads
8 Things to Make Your Life Easier (and Cheaper) – A good list that covers a lot of different areas! -Three Thrifty Guys
Making Extra Money During the Holidays – I’ll definitely be taking a look at some of these options this holiday season. -Stupid Cents
Planning To Roll Over Your 401K To An IRA? – This was a good read for me because I am trying to determine in which tax year I want to do my rollover from my previous job. -The Digerati Life
Save Money on Software Programs and Tools – An awesome list of free computer tools and programs! -Million Dollar Journey
Real Estate 101: Running the Numbers – Some more great real estate info from FMF. -FreeMoneyFinance
Easy Reminders that Save You Money – I thought this had some good ideas and also made me think of other reminders I can set for myself to help me save. -The Sun’s Financial Diary
How Debt Costs You More Than Money – A good reminder that it’s more than just numbers that may go into a decision to pay down debt. -Money Smart Life
Smart Girl’s Guide to Life & Money: Cooking for One for Under $100 a Month – I may have to challenge myself to trying this! -The Jenny Pincher
Carnival of Personal Finance – Don shared Do the Rich Pay More or Less in Taxes? in the Carnival of Personal Finance.
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