The Sunday Evening Blues
Each weekend at about 4 pm on Sunday the “Sunday evening blues” set in. This week… I didn’t have a care in the world that the weekend was over. This is how life should be, happily enjoying every day, not dreading the next one, because you have to get up and go to work. And I wish that feeling on each and every one of you!
What Do You Do?
Some readers wanted some clarification on what I consider myself: retired, a stay-at-home parent, fully employed due to alternative income, or some sort of hybrid?
It was no surprise to me to hear that some of you are having a hard time giving me a title… because quite frankly, I have the same problem. When people ask me the typical “What do you do?” question, I think for a minute before giving an answer. They must think I’m stupid because I can’t just spout off an answer.
So here’s my official answer: I’m a stay-at-home-mom-pro-blogger-taking-a-leave-of-absence-living-off-retirement
-income-whose-spouse-is-still-working-because-he-wants-to. Hopefully that’s clear now.
So I’m busy organizing art supplies and enjoying time with my kids, because life is short. And judging other people doesn’t really get you anywhere.
You Want to Stay Home Too?
29 Steps I Took to Leave the Workforce at Age 29 was featured as an Editor’s Pick in the Carnival of Personal Finance. In addition, it was featured at Wallet Pop and as a case study at FIRE Finance.
If you are thinking of exploring something similar my my new lifestyle, here are some of my favorite articles this week on the topic:
- The Choice Between Daycare and Staying at Home
- How to Live on Only One Income
- 3 Things to learn from the crashing careers of the super-rich
- How to Start Your Own Business While Working Your Current Job
- Working From Home – Making Money While Working In A Job That Fits Your Life
The Economy and Saving
Each week, on Wednesday, I highlight my favorite personal finance articles of the week. Of course, this week the big news continues to be about the economy and the safety of our investments.
Can You Trust Online Banks?
If it’s FDIC insured it doesn’t matter if it is online or not. The same protections apply.
U.S. Treasury to Guarantee Money-Market Funds
Good news for investors. For the next year the U.S. Treasury will insure the holdings of eligible money market mutual funds.
Does The Economy Affect How You Save Money?
Are you having second thoughts about purchasing a $25 million megayacht? Yeah, me either. Interesting highlights on how the rich are cutting back.
Don’t Compound Your Investment Losses by Investing Less in Down Markets and More in Up Markets
I’m a firm believer that a down market just enables you to buy investments on sale. Sit on the sideline and you will miss the ride back up for sure.
Timing the Bottom
“Life is full of ‘80% right’ moments, but there is a paucity of ‘100% right’ moments.”
By the Numbers
- Three Things You Bought (or Received) and Never Use
- Ten Things to Do With $1,000 (Plus 21 More)
- 40 Money Tips for College Students
- 5 Ways the Internet Saves Me Money
- If You’re Not Using It, Get Rid of It: Ten Ways to Declutter and Put Cash in Your Pocket
Kid Corner

I know the Sunday evening blues far too well. That’s awesome that you’ve been cured of the nasty disease!
I hear ya! I have a hard time describing what I do as well, since I work from home as a freelance writer/professional blogger. Can’t beat the hours (any time I want).
Congrats on your success! Even though I don’t have to go to a 9-5 job, I still haven’t reached the point where no active income is unnecessary.
Miranda’s last post: $700 Billion Bailout: Power Grab By the Treasury?
I just have to drop a note to tell you how inspiring I found your bold move to retire at 29. Being a 23 year old just learning why mananging money is important, you really made a case for me to take personal finance seriously. Thanks so much for sharing! Cheers to your journey!
I guess I’ll have to keep on dreading Sunday night for a while! My excitement peaks on Friday afternoon, and then slowly goes down. It hits bottom on Monday morning just before I get out of my truck and go into work. The realization that an entire week is still ahead of me is almost too much to bear. I can’t wait to join you!
Frugal Dad’s last post: Ask the Reader: How Safe is My WaMu Bank Account?
I have the Sunday blues all the time! Specially around 7pm when I realize the weekend is over and I didn’t accomplish half of my plans!
Liz’s last post: To The Democrats
I had the Sunday afternoon “blues” for years and years. I worked from 1979 until 1991, and always dreaded Monday morning. I was able to be a stay at home mother for 9 years and got back into the workforce very gradually. I started out volunteering 8 hours a week, for one year. Then I was hired and chose to work only three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I worked those three days (switching days if needed for holidays or appointments) until January 2007 when I went to four days. I did choose Mondays, and interestingly enough I don’t experience the Sunday afternoon blues. I think part of it was not allowing myself to “go there” because I knew how depressing it could be. I wish I could go back to three days, but I can’t right now. Mondays are actually an easy day at work, and I have a chance to get a good head start on the week.
Thanks so much for the link!
The funny thing about the “Sunday night blues” is that I continued to have them for no good reason for quite a while after I retired. It’s like it took a while for my subconscious to recognize that I didn’t have to go to work the next day.
As for the difficult question of “what do you do” (I still get this one a lot), I just say I am semi-retired. And if they say “but you’re so young”, I say “thank you”. 🙂
I remember the Sunday night blues as well. In fact I used to just be in a funk mood all Sunday as I hated going back to the office. I guess now I’m a hybrid as well working from home and staying at home with the kids full time, while my wife works outside the home. Sundays are just like any other day now and much happier. The toughest day with the kids is still better than my best meeting at the office.