IRS Will Delay Tax Refunds if You Claim These Tax Credits

Posted by Madison on February 9, 2017

There is a new delay this year for tax refunds. The delay will apply to 2016 tax returns filed in 2017. This year, the delay is due to a new law, the PATH Act of 2015.

The law requires that tax refunds including the earned income tax credit or the additional child tax credits will be held until February 15. However, once they are released and processed, the actual tax refund probably won’t show up until the end of February or early March.

Income Tax Refund Delay 2017

The IRS announced that the new tax law requires your entire 2017 tax refund to be held until February 15 if you claim either of these tax credits:

The entire refund will be held, not just the tax credits above.

Please note that the delay applies to the additional child tax credit, not the standard child tax credit.

How Long is the IRS Tax Delay for 2017 Tax Refunds?

Once February 15 rolls around, you’ll still have to wait for processing. Typically, tax refunds are issued in less than 21 days. The IRS estimates that the delayed refunds may begin to show up during the week of February 27 for direct deposit.

Checks and any processing issues will delay the refund longer. Also see How Long Does it Take to Get Your Tax Refund Back?

What is the Purpose of the Tax Refund Delay?

The purpose of the delay is to prevent fraud:

The additional time helps the IRS stop fraudulent refunds from being issued to identity thieves and fraudulent claims with fabricated wages and withholdings.

Here are some helpful statistics to understand the magnitude of the refunds sent by mistake:

The EITC Error Rate has Cost the Federal Government $151 billion over Ten Years.

The Tax Foundation calculated from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report that:

A 24 percent error rate meant $14.5 billion in tax dollars that were improperly paid out to individuals in FY 2013.

More Information About the Tax Refund Delay

Can you file your tax return before February 15?

Yes, you can file your tax return before February 15. However, if you file before then, there won’t be any information on the status of your refund until after that date.

Are these refundable tax credits?

Yes, the EITC and ACTC are refundable credits and can generate refunds that exceed your tax liability. What is the Difference Between Refundable and Nonrefundable Tax Credits?

Will the tax deadline be extended?

No. The tax deadline will still be the same. You can still request a tax extension.

Should you file by paper?

No. You will still get your tax refund quicker by e-filing, even with the delay. The IRS won’t process paper forms earlier.

Should you request a check instead of direct deposit?

No. The IRS has stated that direct deposit will still be the fastest way to receive your refund.

Are other tax credits impacted by the delay?

No, other tax credits, including the Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit, Tuition Tax Credits and Saver’s Tax Credit are not impacted.

Other child care credits including the standard Child Tax Credit and the Child and Dependent Care Expense Credit are also not impacted by the delay.

Helpful Tax Resources

File your free federal and state taxes online with TurboTax.

2016 Tax Calculator to Project Your Tax Refund.

More Tax Filing Questions

Get your biggest tax refund, guaranteed. Plus FREE Expert Tax Advice. File your Federal tax return for FREE today with TurboTax!

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Comments to IRS Will Delay Tax Refunds if You Claim These Tax Credits

  1. Hi there….I’m a tax pro out of West Central Texas, and I learned, yesterday, that the processing delay is affecting more than the Schedule A filers, etc. I,along with several clients of mine, submitted our tax return to the IRS via e-file on 1/14/2011…my return was accepted and being processed by the 18th. Upon checking the IRS site, using “where’s my refund”, I got an initial date of February 1st. I found this odd, because the refund cycle chart I have been using for over a decade, said different. Okay though, no big deal. I check the IRS site, using “where’s my refund” again, on 1/27/2011 and discovered that due to “processing delays”….my deposit date had been moved to 2/8/2011. Mind you, I did not file a schedule A, or Educator Expenses…nor did I have any College expenses. what’s going on ?? I call the IRS, only to be on hold for 20 minutes, to finally be connected to a lady who could barely speak english…then she connects me to the Accounts department, where, after another 10 minutes on hold, i get a computer voice telling me that my call cannot be connected at this time….OK…I call back.After another 20 minutes on hold, I get another woman who tells me that the delay in PROCESSING could be caused from an invalid SS# or a wrong name or a wrong birthday…WHAT ? I am speaking with a woman who works in the personal accounts department and she’s telling me that it’s due to invalid info ?? WRONG…Everyone knows that a return with invalid or unmatching info gets kicked LONG before it even reaches the processing stage. I informed her that my return was successfully accepted by the IRS on the 18th with no code 510 or 512…she was a bit shocked that I knew codes by heart, and stammered to find me someone to give me the right information. SO…I was patched thru again, to another account department, where I spoke to Mrs. Silk. Mrs. Silk pulled up my return, said it was accepted, but was delayed due to a new system that they had installed allowing payments to go out on ANY day, instead of just fridays now….Um…did I mention that I’ve been doing this for YEARS ??…So basically, what she told me was, the refund cycle chart that we Pros have been using for decades, is now obsolete, and NO ONE has been updated on what is going on at the IRS which is causing a mess for ppl not affected by the Tax changes. Oh…did I mention that our IRS is outsourcing calls to India ?? Yea, Mrs. Silk told me that it was because they are so busy, they can’t get to the calls in a timely manner….explains why I got a person, initially, that could barely speak english.

    So…the Moral of this story is, even if you didn’t file a Schedule A (itemize), or have Educator Expenses, or Education deductions…You still maybe delayed cuz, well, in my opinion, they have no clue what they’re doing at the IRS.

    B H Anderson

    • Hello BH Anderson!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience. I am sure if you had this issue, many others will experience it as well. I had no idea they had outsourced the phone calls to India! Sounds like Dell….

      Amanda L. Grossman

    • B H Anderson~ My refund is also delayed…reference code 1201. I was told by the IRS agent that, that code is a generic code…doesn’t really mean anything. I received a letter from the IRS which basically said my refund is being delayed but they do not need any info from me. Just to wait up to 45 days! So that will make it March 18th 🙁 WTH???


      • I filed on 1/24/12,two weeks later i called irs and the stated there holding my refund’and going to send a letter,the date was 2/27/12’but got it ystd”but the letter just said we dont need info from me….bull crap!!and i should get my refund within 45days!100%pist off,so now the waiting begins:0


      • well at least you guys have dates.. I filed the 27th of January.. and have no date, and still no return… i’d be happy with March 18th at this point…


      • Hey they say to wait 45 day but all I waited. Was 11 days so yea they told me to to wait 45 days and I’m getinng mine on Thursday 14th they said I was geting it on apirl 18but now I’m geting it early. March 14th that’s god he help me so much


    • They know exactly what they are doing. First and foremost, they are keeping those voters in India in a job. Second, and most importantly, the government is collecting interest on all of our money, while we sit and wait for it.


    • what does the codes 510 or 512 mean?

      w k

      • codes 510 and 512 invalid information, wrong name, or wrong birth date or wrong social security number.


    • Ha ha!!! This is a whole bunch of woopla, the heck are we d
      oing “outsourcing”? Strategy my toosh! We can’t put Americans back to work but we’ll make some use of the guy with the long dress on and the open toed sandals; and the girl with the Hanna drawn on both hands and feet, and the red dot in their forehead…. Lol don’t get me wrong I love India, I an partially Indian and I know their struggle. But I was born in the U.S.of.A and I also know our struggles. And I am proud of all of my cultural influences. Knock-knock, who’s there, America needs, America needs who, America needs their jobs back before we end up becoming a 3rd no scratch that a 4th 4th world country. IJS
      We’re the US and we can’t even hold on to a job, or health care. SMDH….we can’t even bail our own selves out of crap… And we help others but look who’s helping us…..
      Stay in prayer you guys…


    • Hi B H Anderson,We are glad we aren’t the only people having problems with getting income tax back. The IRS told us it might be a year when we get ours back.

      Lisa C

      • Are you serious? A Year ? Omg!


    • This info was great to hear,finally someone knowledgeable in the same area, hopefully you beat em @their own game LOVE IT.. The best response for 2013


    • I have a question for you if you don’t mind. I did my taxes with H and R block on Jan 22 and on their site it said that the IRS had accepted my tax return and that my refund anticipation funds would be available within 21 days of acceptance. It is now 3/16 and i have yet to receive anything. I have gone on the IRS website and it says that they have no information for me. It doesn’t even show that it has been accepted yet! I called about a week or 2 ago and the lady i spoke to said that they haven’t processed my tax return yet. I expected the delay since i have a son and go to school. The problem is i received a letter stating that they needed me to resubmit entry lines 25-26…really? i called the lady that did my taxes and she said this was not necessary because they received info that there was a problem when processing similar returns and they have fixed whatever the problem is and that they will be processing the returns according to when they received them so i should be getting it soon…this doesn’t seem right…why would i get the letter if i didn’t need to send anything.. Any suggestions? would appreciate any insight you might have. Thanks


      • You do need to send the form for the questions they asked you. Do not let the chick you did your taxes with fool you. We got the SAME letter. If you do not submit the form to them in 20 days from the date of that letter you can lose money you are owed or god knows what else. Send them the letter, don’t let her tell you it was fixed cuz we sent ours even tho we thought it was stupid and today hopefully we get our taxes since they said today’s the day. Goof luck. I’ve been waiting since Jan 23rd so I know ur pain.


    • I am with you there. It gets weirder every year but this takes the cake. Many of my people are irate because they have not gotten their refunds yet? AND they filed early.

      Jackie Conner

  2. Thank you for that i have been looking for a week now to explain the 2/1 to 2/8 delays and no one else had any info i figured it was due to the IRS and there new systems but couldn’t find any info on it now I just hope it doesn’t delay again


  3. I had the same delay…very straightforward return. I called this morning to make sure it was still “on track” and not going to be delayed again and the rep said it was to be deposited on the 4th of Feb. I don’t know if this helps anyone else, but thought I’d share.


  4. I filed my return and the IRS received in on January 24th. At first the Where is my Refund? website stated it was processing and I would receive it by 02/08/2011. Checked today and it says due to processing delays I should receive my refund my 02/22/2011. I call the IRS to get two answers. First lady told me I needed to allow 3 weeks for processing. Ok cool, when realizing the 22nd was FAR OFF from 3 weeks I called back and another lady tells me that since filing primary SS# (instead of joint since I am no longer married) that they have to create a whole new account for my ss#. To allow an extra week for that….and that there seems to be nothing wrong with the return and no letters going out as of yet. Sounds like a big joke to me. My friend who used Turbo Tax the same day will have her check direct deposited on the 4th, with no delay at all. Makes no sense.


    • hey lauren i experiencing the processing delay also i dont know what is going on my tax preparer says he doesnt c anything wrong or a letter or anything but i should have recieved my refund bk by the 28 of january then it went to the 1st of feb,now due to processing delays they say by the 22 of feb,if u find out anything let me know.and what is the code 510 or 512 do u knw

      ann jones

      • Hey there. Not sure what those codes are, but still no refund here my date says 02/22. Friend of mine her husband filed 01/24 and his date at one point changed to 02/22, but is now saying this Friday 02/11. I’m not sure if they are jus completely behind, or what the deal is. I kno 2 other people being delayed jus like me and they used a tax preparer such as Jackson Hewitt or Liberty Tax like myself. Everytime I call I get a different answer, or end up being hung up on after a 15 min hold. I am personally tired of dealing with the IRS and just want my refund. It’s been past 3 weeks as of yesterday and I’m pretty upset. As far as the new tax breaks I think they are just holding everyone’s refund because they don’t know what they are doinq.


      • I think the 512 or 510 means an invalid social securuty number or name spelling. If you read up to the post bt BH Anderson, i think he mentions this. Hope that helps! 🙂

        Nicole Alexander

      • i did my tax’s feb 7th but had to pay cash the 13th through jackson H- tax preparer,i was sapose to get it back in 3 wks,i then got a letter stating i would hear something or get it with in 45 days of the letter 3-12,here it is 4-3,still waiting also i have checked wheres my refund and it says still in prosessing, dont no what cp05 of the notice stands for-i looked in the irs notices and there isnt such a notice.has any 1 else gotten anything like this?

        diana henthorn

    • i used turbo tax and mine got accepted on the 24th of jan then had to weight for the school credit (feb 14) but my friend did his after mine was accepted on (feb 14th) and when he logs in to the find my refund it says he will have it in 21 days when i log into where my refund it says they are still processing it and do not have a date does not say anything about in 21 days so how is it that mine are being put 2nd when i filed first i m so upset !!

      crystal roberts

      • It doing the same for me i filed Jan 25th and accepted Jan 30 and had to wait for the colege credit with still no return date

        D Wilmer

  5. I am glad to here that they are sending those calls to india or wherever. Even when we had one of us sitting in there never got a goo danswer bacl so it doe snot matter. At least we will save some taxpayers money now.

    expense pof an american callcenter person is 30 $/hr and the one outsourced is 7$/hr.. It is simple math..I am a businessman and if I could get something done that cheaper I woul dhave been happier too. This outcourcing has increased so much profitability and reduced cost of goods we get…

    Mark simpson

    • Ha! Give me a break. Yes lets outsource all of our jobs to India including yours


    • Yes thank goodness for outsourcing our jobs here in America…I don’t know about you, but if I made 30 dollars an hour I would not need to rely on the IRS to give me a refund in a timely manner.


    • 30/hr? What city do you live in again? I worked as a call center agent for over a year and I never made 30/hr…..wished it maybe..


      • I think Mark means the total cost of having an employee, not the wage. Meaning that f i pay you a wage of say $10.00, I have to pay the employer portion of social security and medicare which will tack on an additional .76 per hour, the amount of money I have to pay for unemployment would vary depending on how many people you have terminated that collected unemployment in previous quarters, the employers cost of health insurance, workers comp insurance etc. I think the figure of $30.00 is a bit high, but the hourly wage is just a component of the total cost an employer pay. I hope that cleared it up some for you. As for thanking goodness that we have outsourced jobs, if we outsource enough jobs the employer/business owner will eventually erode enough of their client base that they themselves will have to go out of business. If there are no customers, because no one is working, who will you sell your products and services to? The very countries that you have outsourced your jobs to? Really? Do you honestly think that those countries are going to lower their tariffs for you to sell your goods in direct competition with their own citizens? This cost cutting measure of outsourcing is very short sighted in my honest opinion. Further, if the American economy should recover, and if given a choice, do you think that the American who lost his/her job due to outsourcing is going to be so amenable as to use your products/services in the future? For me personally there is a long list of companies that I have decided are not the companies that I want to do business with, and I won’t do business with them, I will avoid them at all costs, and urge everyone I know to do the same. I may be one person, but a ripple, can turn into a Tsunami. Ok, I am done with my rant for today.


  6. I am in the same boat, we filed on Feb 8, and acepted on the 9th with a deposit date of the 15th, only on the 13th got a processing delay with a DD now of 03/01, have talked to IRS only to get 3 diff answers, first was asked if I filed with the same husband last year???? We have been married 12 years, with the same 3 kids, VERY WEIRD, so when I said yes, then was told that the IRS Is allowed up to 3 weeks to prcess, which has never happened to me EVER!! The next person told me it was in the errors dept and they corrected the error but she could not tell me what error was, and still could not tell me when I would have my money, and the 3rd person, which I talked to today was downright rude and told me they had no information until it has been 30 days out, and I would have to wait until the end of next week to call, but she had nothing in her system to indicate that I would be getting a refund this week or next week. Sure would like an answer!!! It seems like they tell everyone the same thing


  7. I rcvd one letter dated 2/2/11 saying that my refund was being held for “further review” and that it would be 45 days, now I have recieved another letter dated 2/22/11 saying the exact same thing. So I call the IRS wondering does the 45 days start over with this second letter. The rep said no, but that I should add ANOTHER 30 DAYS to the date of the first letter..which in essence is the same thing as the 45 days starting over with the date of the new letter. I have one job, two kids, no home, no business…no deductions. I am confused about this and upset. What is going on!!??


    • I’m sorry to say from my experience a few years back that a return that is being held for “further review” is bad news…something is wrong with your return that’s not software related. A human is looking at it.


    • Tashana please keep me posted same thing happened to me…. Same situation exactly! I hope we get it soon 🙁


    • I filled jan 31 and yet have not received nothin I called the number they act like they don’t know what goin on what’s the point of callin if they don’t know nothin it not right and I still have not received a letter the irs is grimy they worried bout the wrong people the people who committing fraud are the one who are getting there taxes the next week not fair to the people who actually work


  8. i efiled my taxes on feb,1 2011 the check my refund status said the check was mailed out on the 18 of feb i am still waiting and the the wheres my refund status said not to contact them until march 18,2011 how long is it going to take

    paula halferty

  9. Me and my husband filed on Feb 15 due to the homebuyers repayment and still have not received our tax refund.. I have called the IRS and they just give me excuses, was supposed to be mailed in not done electronically, should receive a paper in the mail about what is going on, need to call tax advocate.. I mean WTF we need the refund and can’t get it.. So now they are saying it could be another 30 days.. Some of the IRS representatives have an attitude when calling and if it were there return they would be doing the same thing..


    • Hi Amy, your story regarding the irs is way too familiar. I filed my taxes on Feb 5, 2013
      but they said because of the first time homebuyer shit they didn’t except till the 15th. It’s now March 21 and still NOTHING!!! I was told the problem is fixed, that I’d be getting my refund any day ( that was at the end of Feb), i even got a phone call of apology and she said I’d be gettin my refund March 11 (she had left a message cause i was at work) and still NOTHING, WTF. And ofcorse when i tied to call HER back they said i can’t request to speak to her…..REALLY, she left me the message!!!!! This is absolutely crazy, im so pissed. Anyway Amy i was wondering if u had received ur refund yet or have heard anything. I never post shit like this but I’m getting worried. Thanks Taryn


  10. My husband and I filed our taxes and received our refund within 10 days…also someone I work with had a similar positive expensive. I wonder if a batch of returns that were filed in February somehow got left by the wayside and are taking longer than returns that are newly submitted?

    Amanda L Grossman

    • I efiled through Taxact January 11th or so, I got an email from Taxact stating it was accepted January 13th.. weird because IRS didn’t begin accepting until the 17th of January. I expected my refund on the 25th of January via direct deposit, no such luck. I have been stuck in the “January 31st projected date” on the IRS Where’s my Refund site for almost 2 weeks. I spoke to an IRS agent on Thursday who said it wasn’t completely processed and that she showed there was no refund scheduled… Yesterday I spoke to another IRS agent who says she had my return processed and that it should be in my account on Feb 1st… weirder is that the IRS website that has been showing Jan 31st as a projected date now shows that I must have entered my info incorrectly because they have no info for it! ummmm wtf? Anyway… all this to say that something is very very wrong going on at the good ol IRS… I wish I was in your positive experience group

      M Key

  11. These all sound so familiar…im sure there are alot of pissed off people waiting on their refund and i am one of them. We depend on our refund everyear and was supposed to get my refund today April 11th, not the irs website says due to delays, May 10th is my new date…wtf?? Bull**** i let the gov’t “BORROW” money i make during the year and i cant even f****** get it back when im supposed to …this is INSANE and i am heated

    Darlene NIppert

  12. I’m still waiting to get answers as to where my refund could be… our accountant e-filed our taxes on April 13, 2011 and to date (June 20, 2011) still no sight of our return… Almost 8 weeks – really? I mean if I owed the IRS they would be all over me looking for what was owed them…


  13. filed on the 1/20 refund cycle chart reflected 2/1 and the irs says 2/7. they take money out of my pay checks as fast as they can . i should expect the same in return


  14. I think Anna makes a great point. If we owed the IRS they surely would not be patient with us taxpayers. They would hit us with fees and interest.


  15. Same scenario and it’s just f*kn American of the IRS to not even provide an outlet for us to take any action.
    We are the earlybirds that filed our taxes asap and given a date of Feb1, and since we went out of our way we get delayed. But people who filed a week after me are already getting theirs???
    So, if I’m late for paying a loan I get reported to the collectors, get a bad mark on my credit score and get charged interest.

    WTF IRS? Make your own laws I guess. FU


  16. I was suppose to receive mine yesterday or today! I was somewhat depending on it for bills! Delay on tax refund…sounds really shady!


  17. all i know is the IRS needs to get there s**t together and fast “its my money and i need it now!”


    • hello carly

      i really need this money as well they really f**k up this time


  18. hello every body ,

    well i one of those in many affected by the IRS delays i think is so unfare they are doing this to us why ?. well anyways i bet they would not be happy to if the people working there were the one calling us beacause we have they check on hold lol .is there any thing we can do? any were we could call and complain and they would do something ?well guess not right .wait wait wait!:(


    • i filed with jackson hewitt on feb 5th and was told i would get my check at there office on feb 17th and now i am hearing they dont know, this is unfair to us, we are wiating on the bank to release our funds to jackson hewitt, now i am getting a date of feb 20th who knows i just want my money.


  19. I file my taxes every year with Turbo Tax and never an issue. This year I filed on 2/1/2012 and had my returned accepted within hours BUT the irs states they still haven’t received my return. I would happy if Where’s my Refund said the 14th or 22nd or even 3/1/2012. But nothing. Looks like I’ll have one of the longest delays since the IRS doesn’t even have my paperwork to begin the process. Man I was really hoping the Refund Chart was still good.


    • Same here filed february 2 accepted within hours and still no status on my refung I also used Turbo Tax have you received any updates Teresa?


      • Cynthia, I also filed on feb 2 w/TT and nothing. Called the IRS this morning and was told that they received my return on feb 2 but that is hasn’t even been processed yet. I imagine this might be the case for you as well. I am hoping everything that I’ve been reading about the refunds being 1 week behind because the lady at the IRS scared me when she said that it could take 3-5 weeks from the time they receive it for us to get money back.


    • I filed with TT on 2/3 and accepted the same day by IRS with a refund date of 2/15, which mean it would probably be sent on 2/9 with a few days for the bank to process. However, since filing, WMF has only said they have no info. TT customer service says IRS has done nothing yet with my return.

      C. Rose

      • We have they exact same dates as you and the exact same problem!

        Matthew Parker

    • i also filed on 2/2 through h&r block program and i received acceptance letter and still no info on where’s my refund!


    • Praise God !!! I been looking to see if anyine was going through what I was. I filed my taxes since jan.30th 2012 and the irs says they have no information for me like I am honestly confussed .. Now what to do .. I went to the place I did my taxes and we called the irs in they told us there is nothing in the system for me but how is that if I a print out of how much to expect. omg


    • hi im in the same boat i filed on feb 3rd and it was accepted on feb 4th i called and everytime its a different story..if it rly takes 3 weeks why does it say 72 hours? i feel your bf did his a few dayafter me and already recieved his money


      • I just checked the site today (I filed on 2/2/2012) and now it is finally giving me a date…..OF MARCH 6TH!!….What in the world happened to the 10-21 day historical range and that is almost 3 weeks past when I should have received it and they said that returns were being pushed out a week late. Currently sitting on hold with the IRS again!


      • Sara-Same as you. Filed on 2/2 and saw today that my reutrn will be on 3/6/12. That’s 5 weeks for an e-file return!


    • I filed my return thru TT alkso on 2-2, it was rejected immediatly for invalid pin, we corrected it and sent it on the 3rd, it was accepted according to TT. It is now 2-17 and a week ago IRS told me it was processing still and last night I was told they havent recieved the second submission after it was rejected and still not on WMR at any point!I doesnt know what to beleive now, how can they not have it yet I was told previously it was processing! They actuially told me to resubmit my taxes whnich turbo tax wont let me do saying its already been done and accepted. frustrating


  20. My wife and I e-filed with DD for our preferred method of receiving money on the 10th of January. IRS accepted it on the 19th of January. Initially, the WMR portion on the IRS website said the 1st of February for DD date. Right before the 1st hit, it changed to the 7th of February. The 7th has come and gone and no refund yet. I learned a week ago that the IRS had did some software updating for security reasons and that refunds filed before the 25th of January would be delayed slightly. How long, who knows?

    I suspect our money will be in anytime now as it’s been almost 21 business days (next Friday will be 21 days) since we were accepted. However, were not as spooked about this as some of y’all are because we weren’t relying on our refund to get us out of a tight spot. It’s never a good idea to rely on a tax refund to get yourself out of a tight spot, IMHO.

    I also wanted to comment on the grammar and spelling on here. I can’t help it. The English has been murdered on here by most of y’all. Before complaining so much about stuff, try learning how to use proper spelling and punctuation. Make complete sentences people. Trying to read through most of the gibberish on here makes my head hurt & I’m sure that’s true for the literate others.

    One more thing, those who actually work like we do who actually pay taxes into the system, we have more of a right to complain about late refund DD date’s. Those who don’t work and pay into the system who collect refunds that we pay for and others who work pay for, y’all should just sit back & shut up. Lot’s of leecher’s in this country. To those who work and pay taxes, thank you and you have a right to complain.


    • Man STFU…First off if we pay taxes then the money is OURS when tax time arrives so counting on it can mean many things but if we need it for a “tight pinch” then so be it. Second why are you talking about grammar? Please stop reading and typing you fail at life and should never be allowed to post on a tax forum/question spot again..GTFO




      • Ken I am really pissed about my refund not being dd into my account after 20 plus days of waiting but your comment has lighten my mood. I am LOL over here. Thx


    • Matt, shut the hell up man! It is essentially “our” money! We pay taxes all year so at the end of the year we get a thing called a tax refund. Nobody gives a shit if you aren’t waiting on your return. What was the need to comment on this thread if you aren’t worried about your return. In my humble opinion, if you want to talk about grammar you should reconsider using the word “y’all” Who the hell says that anymore? Pot, meet kettle :)What a loser


    • “Lot’s of leecher’s”

      An apostrophe connotates ownership of something. Grammatically speaking, your sentence is incorrect, as it would be “lots of leechers.”

      And the working class (middle and lower classes) pay more on taxes than the wealthy, contrary to what the conservative media states.

      Some people do rely on their tax returns but it’s not your place to judge them.


      • I have never heard the media called conservative…


    • Are you kidding???

      Does anybody tell you how to spend your money??? You don’t need to tell anybody that they shouldn’t be complaining about receiving their refunds to “get out of a tight spot.” You don’t know ANYONE’S personal situation here. Does anyone tell you NOT to expect your PAYCHECK at the end of a work week??? It’s money that is RIGHTFULLY OWED TO US.

      And as far as you telling people to use proper spelling and grammar, try SPELLING OUT the word Y’ALL into the words “YOU ALL” so that you don’t sound like a complete hypocrite.

      Those of us that are complaining DO work and that is WHY we are complaining.

      Get over yourself and get off your high horse.


    • I was just reading thru hoping to get some helpful info and came across your post. So condescending. You are making such broad statements about people and yet you can have no possible idea what situations people are in and why. I just wanted to comment on this: “Those who don’t work and pay into the system who collect refunds that we pay for” What?? Can you please explain how people who don’t work get tax refunds? Refunds are over payments on taxes collected from earnings, so ANYONE receiving a refund is entitled to it, and should expect to receive it in a timely manner.


    • You need to read up in your tax laws and IRS definitions. You do not pay into other people’s refunds. Your tax money is not paying for them like it is inmates. People who are lower income, unlike yourself and they have kids qualify for EIC (Earned income credit) or Child Tax credit. Just because some may need assistance doesn’t mean they are abusing it. Not everyone is like that. Also a lot of states require those on assistance to be working. Last time I checked the only person who can judge is God and you are not sir, your name is Matt.


    • Kick rocks Matt! You are obviously concerned about your refund as well otherwise you wouldn’t have come across this site. I agree with Ken STFU!


    • Matt,
      You are a true idiot to say that people shouldn’t use their tax refunds to get them out of tough financial spots.It is OUR money and we are OWED it. I work between 40 and 50 hours every week, so I am DESERVING of it. I also cannot believe you were complaining about spelling and grammar on here as you were using y’all on here. Try YOU ALL! I personally do not care if you say or use y’all, only annoying when YOU were the one complaining about grammar. Matt, I hope to NEVER see you on any site I go on again because YOU are a reminder of how dumb and rude some Americans are and YOU are a reminder of how this country has gone DOWN HILL!


    • Matt I love the fact that you speak your mind and tell the truth but people don’t want to hear it. I think one of the comments to your post is:

      “We are not all born with a silver spoon in our mouth”

      I find that hilarious. I suppose you could have been born with one, but I would bet money that both you and you wife have worked and saved money and do not need to rely on tax refund checks to feed the 4/5 kids you popped out when you were 17. Go ahead Michelle. I certainly wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I’ve worked my ass off to get to a point where I also don’t need to rely on a tax refund check. It was your decision to have ‘KIDS’ (plural) and if you couldn’t afford to feed one, why the hell did you decide to have a few more? I’m just saying. Glad to know that when I have children, I will not be waiting on the government to be able to support my kids. END RANT.




    • Sounds like they are just making up excuses Michelle. Our refunds have been on time every year since we got married. This year it’s taking 30 days…why? No apparent reason. They tell every person something different. Good luck!


    • Because I filed single this yr, due to a separation. They told me the same thing a 2 wk wait to make sure that the previous SS# didn’t owe. Is that a crock or what???


  22. The bottom line is this is MY MONEY that the government took from my paycheck all year and they are screwing around with it on some power trip. I think I should fine them 10% and threaten to put a lien on the IRS building if I am not payed in full immediately! (My date was Feb. 15 and guess what-it is now Feb.28 for some reason)

    Jeremy T.

  23. I e-filed on Feb 9th 2012. On the 14th, which was 120 hours later, the IRS was able to recognize and communicate that my taxes were accepted.

    I felt relieved until I was issued three different refund dates:

    – 13 days
    – 17 days
    – 42 days

    I suspect the IRS is intentionally elusive (they’re hard to contact) and confusing and delaying because they lack money.

    I think as a whole, the Federal gov, the states and the middle and working classes are going bankrupt. The unemployment rate is high but it’s under 10%, as usual. so by and large America is still generating tons of money through labor as usual. The big catch is that now more of the surplus money goes straight to the elite upper class; the “one percent”.

    America is experiencing peasantry and is being ruled by a super elite financial class much like a royal class.

    The elite class finds it more profitable to outsource and enjoy the fruits of the “Global economy” while the middle class knows America would be better off if its economy were based on tangible production and tangible infrastructure; “MADE IN USA” etc. So the “class war” we’ve all been hearing about. It’s true.

    Look at England. They’re like America. They went from being a manufacturing powerhouse to being a service industry and just like us they’re experiencing rising poverty. Meanwhile, China’s economy is growing and their standard of living is rising.

    Production is power.

    The super elite know production is power and they don’t care which country produces.

    Dear Bill the janitor, enjoy your global economy! Sincerely – The super elite financial class


  24. It’s not just refunds that are being delayed. I filed my return a month ago and I owed taxes. They drafted the amount I owed out of my account but my taxes still have NOT been processed. I have called the IRS 3 times. I need a tax transcript so that I can get a mortgage and they couldn’t even give me an estimate as to when they would be processed.


  25. I’ve been waiting for my money since Jan 19th…. If I owed the Feds money there would have been men in black walking up my drive by now!


  26. So – I heard a rumor that certain states’ irs refunds were delayed up to 90 days…. EEK. Hope THAT’S not true! So – just curious – are any of you frustrated people who haven’t gotten your fed refunds also residents of red states like me….?


  27. i checked status o my return on the irs sit n it said i should get it 2/21/12 n didnt get anything yet. called irs n they said to wait it still been process. makes no sance. has any one had the same problem as of today the irs wed sit says i should get it 2/21/12 n today is the 22nd. what to do?


  28. I filed on 2/5 and just received my refund 2/23….today! I thought it would never come. I had lost all faith.

    Kimberly Brown

    • Did your status change on WMR website? Or did you DD? Or what? Mailed check?


  29. The IRS accepted my tax return on 2/3. WMR showed nothing until 2/21, then it said refund by March 6th! The IRS keeps saying refunds will be sent in a timely manner…7-21 days. Well that is B.S. because it will be more than a month gone by before I get my return. I called IRS today (2/23) and they said they have my taxes but haven’t even started processing them yet! WTF!


  30. How is that “Change” working for you.
    We can expect more of this from Obamacare. Can’t wait for the future this president has given us.

    Dal Guy

    • The President is not to be blamed for this! I think you should learn how the government works!


  31. Does anyone have a number where you can get through to someone? I’ve called a few and get automated. My husband and I filed jointly on the 4th of Feb, got accepted the 6th. The first DD was Mar 20, 2012 then it changed to the 21st Feb and that’s since come and gone. When I type in his SSN, it still shows 2/21 but can’t call to talk to anyone and when I type in my ssn I get 3/27! I don’t understand why we have two different dates on a joint spouse?


    • To get through to someone,just dial the 1040 number and don’t respond to the prompts. Don’t answer a question or press a number and they will put you through to a live person.


  32. I filed on Jan 24th, and finally called when I didn’t get refund, they said my return is under review for $112 in out of pocket expenses paid for my sons college fees.Give me a break!It is alot more than that but I had receipts for that amount… getting pretty petty I would say! I don’t even make much money!


  33. i filed jan 16 i was accepted 17 it is now mar 2 still no refund i was told dates of jan25 28 feb 1 7 21….now its been recieved and is being processed im not sure whats the deal…y


    • i filed on feb 7 got accepted from irs on the 13th of feb. it said i should expect my refund no later then the 28th of feb and now it says it has been received is being processed.. i want to know what the hell is going on where the hell is my refund!!!!!!!


  34. I hate to chime in with more of the same info without any new input, but I’m one of the confused/frustrated/worried ones out there who has been told one thing and shown another. I filed my taxes through TurboTax on February 10th and received notification of acceptance of state taxes almost immediately. I was told I would receive a similar email when federal accepted. No such email ever arrived, and so my worry began. Within a couple of days, I was able to log into the WMR site which showed an estimated refund date of 2/28/12, however, logging in a few days later it said that I I had filed a complete and accurate return, I could expect my refund in six weeks. I’ve been google searching like a madman, trying to get the straight up and down on what is going on with the IRS and their delays this season. I still owe a little bit from last year, and I did claim an education credit which I have heard is causing some of the delay, but other than that, there has been no news. All theories about government bankruptcy/corruption aside, it would be nice if the agencies involved–and by that I mean the IRS and TurboTax–maintained clearer avenues of communication. It would be nice to know exactly what is going on. I feel like a kid who is waiting for Christmas and someone keeps changing the date.


  35. Isn’t it funny that the government and the american ppl bail out the banks but the banks can’t loan the companies to H&R block etc for rapid refund. Why is the American Middle Class people always getting the short end of the stick?????? UNBELIEVABLE!!!


  36. Filed mid January, accepted the next day….now being held for review. No answer as to when it may be DD, but Im not looking for it anytime soon. IRS said within 60 days of the letter that was dated 2/16.
    Has anyone else received their refund this year that had been previously held for review?


  37. It wasn’t just those who filed early, I filed 3/3 and return was accepted on 3/5. the first WMR said 3/13, then that came and went. I checked on 3/13 and there was no information. I checked this morning and now they are saying 4/24, seriously? I work two full time jobs and I need that money.


  38. i’m irritated, i filed in late january, a ” delay ” letter was sent feb 16…..yet still nothing…..i hope i don’t have to wait 60-90 days.


  39. i filed a sched A on 2/24 electronically (w/direct deposit) and it was successfully accepted. however, i was told that b/c of delayed processing my direct deposit would be on 3/13…well 3/13 no$$$. i check the update…now it says that my $$ will deposit on 4/24….TWO MONTHS LATER ….WTF


  40. I did my taxs on Jan.26,2012 . And I got my state in 5 days after.but federal I havent got yet.on the website it said that I have to six weeks . Is today no date still . When should it get my refund.


  41. does anyone live in las vegas nevada


  42. Hi everyone.,
    SO i filed on Feb 26th, they at first said if you filed an accurate return youll receive it within 6 weeks. Now for the past 5 weeks it has says my return is pending under further review and could take up to 60 days!! I called the IRS 3 times and each one of them repeated the same online status word for word.. They said there is no sign of a letter being mailed out so just to wait out the 60 days. But now do I wait out 60 days from filing, or 60 days from the day it changed?! Has anyone else waited 60 days and then received it right away?? I dont see very many people that have refunds under review so Im getting a tad nervous- help!!!


  43. hi i efiled that was rejected,i filed 2 amended returns and i called the irs and they said it was rejected! i filed through turbotax and naytime mine is rejected they require me to try again! so i filed an extention of a amened return but has not mailed it yet!and friday may 4th 2012 i got a letter stating that i’m not due a refund due to form 1040 ! so what should i do?


  44. My tax has to do with fraud on my husband SS# we filed joint and they tried to still his tax by e-filing. We filed 2/9/2012 it is now going on June 1, 2012 and they are still saying they have no information.


  45. Just had to leave my comments since it appears there are a lot of us out there who haven’t gotten our returns…I e-filed through TurboTax and received an email from the IRS on 2/29/12 stating that my return was accepted. I am STILL waiting on my return. After not receiving it on schedule, I called and was told that I had to wait the full 6 weeks from 2/29 before they would tell me anything. So, I waited. When I called after the six weeks, they said there was an issue with the e-filing (no idea what the issue actually was), and that I needed to print and mail my return. I did, sending it return receipt/delivery confirmation. I got a delivery confirmation that it was received by the IRS on 4/27. I have called numerous times since. One person told me that they saw “movement” on my return. Yeah, ok. What does that mean?? The most recent call was wonderful, because now they say they don’t see my return in the system, and that I might need to resubmit my return again (even though I have TWO confirmations that they received my previous returns) because it’s not showing up in the system. But, I have to wait another two weeks before I can resubmit, and then I’ll have to wait another 6-8 weeks from then, and maybe I’ll get my tax return. So, thus far, I’ve been waiting 16 weeks with no end in sight. This is insane.


  46. I filed in Feb 2012 and was a victim of id fraud. I filled out all necessary paperwork and mailed it in. It is now July 2012 and I haven’t got my refund and probably never will. But bigod if I owed money to the irs they would come after me hot and heavy. I am a single mom and in danger of losing my house, the refund would help me get caught up on my mortgage. Does the irs care? Nope.


  47. I filed my return end of March;it’s August now and no refund the IRS website says your refund has been received and is being processed. Has anyone else filed through the Mail. And what number should I call?


  48. Hello, i filed my taxes on the 28th of jan and with the education credit for the first time on Turbo tax. Its been over a week and it stated still pending. does, anyone knows how long it will take for the processing to start with the education credit delay.

    valenicia solomon

  49. The IRS has listed February 14th for the date returns will be accepted with education credits.


  50. I filed on January 31, with the delayed form 8863, not knowing yet about the delay. I still have heard nothing about my taxes, no acceptance, no denial, and an error on “where’s my refund”. It would be nice if I at least was told something, especially since I already paid for them being filed. I’m so frustrated, I need my money! Now they’re saying 8863 will begin processing February 14, I sure hope so!


  51. I filed my taxes through h&r block on Jan. 27th. The where’s my refund thing on the irs wesight said it could not give me any information and to wait 24 hours after receiving the confirmation email saying that the irs has accepted my return. Well i never got an email or still cat use the where’s my refund thing. So i called the irs and they said my return has been pulled for review and that this has happened to random people. They said it will take 30-45 extra days to get my money. I just want to know what’s going on. They said i will receive a letter requesting additional info.

    nicholas stone

  52. I filed through liberty tax. My DD is 2/13/13 or February 13, 2013 and nothing. I calleD THE IRS they said it went into liberty tax bank yesterday 2/12/13 I called liberty corp. and they reroute me to JHT ? They acknowledge the IRS deposit as of 2/12/13 @ 5:23 they stated an additional 4 days to process. They use another bank called River City Bank to take their fees and forward it on to get DD to your account. What boggles my mind is that HR BLOCK DOESN’T DO THIS, I ALWAYS GOT MY MONEY ON TIME… LASTLY, western union turn around time is an hour.. So why would they hold my money for 4 more days?? Processing does not take that long.


    • Its not because you didnt file through H@R ripp off bank It’s the refund it’self from Gov thats delayed > I NEED MY REFUND TOO


  53. 2013 jan 30 i electronically filed my form 1040. i stil haven’t received my refund, but yet i have lots of my friends that didnt file till feb 7-10 and they have already got their refund. anyone explain why this is seems totally screwed up to me


    • I am in the same situation. My accountant told me that because I am getting an energy credit my processing is being delayed. Apparently they have not decided what or how to proceed with those particular group of filers. Info says that it will be processed at the end of February or early March. I’m not that optimistic since I keep getting different dates from my accountant (2/8 & 2/21). My sister filed the day after me and she got her refund on the 8th but she has no energy credits so perhaps that reason is plausable. 🙂 Good luck to you Garry!!! I hope you your money soon.



  54. I think the government is trying to tell us to do illegal activities to make our money since were never gonna get the hard earned money we gave them back.


  55. I think it would be wise for every american just start pulling together and take the government out of office and take our country back the way it should be how much more are we going to take from these F**kin A**holes taking us across and lying to us and keeping things hidden it’s time for everyone to stand together and do something about this corrupted sysyem and take our rights back.


  56. I did my taxes on 1/26 they were accepted on 1/30 I was told I would have a refund by 2/18. What a surprise NOTHING! After calling the IRS for 3 days in a row I was told to call back the next day each time and they had no info to offer me. It is now 2/22 and the rudest women I have ever spoken to told me to give it 2 more weeks before I call back.


  57. My daughter submitted her federal online and state BY MAIL on 1/21. Federal was accepted 10 days later, state refund check arrived about the same time. She was told on 2/1 that federal was delayed because of the education credits. She got the “received” status for until about two weeks ago, when it changed to the “in process” message and hasn’t changed since.

    In stark contrast, we filed our federal online and our state by mail on 2/8. We immediately got the delay message on the federal (my husband had continuing education credits), but then on 2/20 got notification of DD, which we rec’d 2/23. In the meantime, we haven’t heard a peep from the state.

    None of it makes any sense.


  58. I don’t know why everyone is so angry with Matt. We should actually feel sorry for him. It’s clear he has issues. I mean he started out talking about the status of his refund, which if he didn’t need, why bother checking the status??? Then he goes off on some tangent about grammar (when his is not that of an English major), and starts to belittle people. It’s almost as if he got drunk right in the middle of his post. He is clearly ill.


  59. Well I guess if you filed certain credits like energy or educational they are processing these late with no explanation.


  60. i filed on the 19th Feb an got accepted next day on the 20th its been a week so far it still says processing.. so im waiting until the IRS approved it then after that my refund should be direct deposit within 21 days or 10 days that’s what it said at the end i filed on eta i guess i have to be patient i also think it depends on how much money your receiving. its crazy because i filed last year an it taken the IRS a month to send me 100 dollars. an i filed from hr block it was a hot mess. seriously that to long .. now its more than 100 bucks im scared .. who knows this delay stuff is freaking the world out. I just think the i will give them a call to see what is really going on but something isn’t adding up. everyone is receiving it letters, messages its wired the gov had to do something wrong or an employee that don’t know what their doing maybe mess up things for everyone … nothing just do sent happen it has to be a reason for a cause. I honestly hope that this gets straighten out because right now people have bills to pay off an kids to take care of. they are putting people at risk with all frustration. all i suggest is to pray hoping having some faith that refunds will come though . i guess its call the IRS waiting game they are playing..good luck to everyone..


  61. I am beyond irritated. I filed my taxes on Feb. 7th with the understanding that I would have my taxes back in 21 calender not business days so that would have been on Feb 28. Well now here it is Mar. 1st. and still nothing in mmy checking account. But my fiance filed his the same exact day he didnt get as much back as me but he got it a week later he got his one the 14th. I am just irritated I know I haven’t waited as long as some people on here have but it is ridiculous I do not think that I have ever waited this long ever for my taxes to come back. I file single and have no dependants how hard can that be right. I didnt file taxes last year 2011 at all because I was unemployeed and a full time student. But I am wondering if that is why it is taking so long because they are double checkig me. On the IRS.GOV website about 4 days ago it said it was processing with 2 other bars next to it that read accepeted and sent. Now I look at the website and all it says is that my refund is being processed and a sent date with be provided when avaliable. If anyone have any answers please help me out.


  62. Filed with hr block jan 18. First accepted by irs on 1/31/2013. Due to education credit there is zero info for me. Today is 3/7/2013 It was filed electronically with hr block and setup for direct deposit. In the words of law office of James Scott farren ” it’s my money and I need it now “


  63. I am also beyond annoyed with my situation with my tax refund. I e-filed at the end of January with hrblock online but my return was not accepted until Feb 14th since I had educational credits, ok fine. So I waited and waited and waited, no update on where’s my refund. March 7th was the 21st day they claimed that I’d have my refund by, when I check where’s my refund it still says processing and doesn’t even show me the status bar pic anymore. So I called on march 7th, waited 30 mins to speak with an agent who told me they’d forward it to someone to look over because they need to check for errors and that I can expect to receive a letter in the mail anywhere from mar 7th to 3 weeks from that date!!!! So now I am left with no choice but to wait even more. I pray that this letter arrives soon and I’m hoping it doesn’t say I can expect my refund in 45 days because that will mean I’d have had to wait nearly 3 months to get my refund which in the last 3 years it’s only ever taken 10 days with direct deposit! Ughhhh this is such crap!!!!


    • I am in the same boat. I just got off the phone with a very nice lady. She explained to me that due the recent changes with the education credit the system was making mistakes.It was sending a lot of returns to the error department. She said that at first they were sending letters out asking the tax preparers to correct the issue, but now they have stopped sending letters and they are correcting them inhouse now. She admitted that it was an internal error, but they are now processing the returns as they correct the errors. Mine was in the error department, but now it is back to the processing stage. So hopefully some time next week I should get a refund.


  64. I am in the same boat jessica…today would be 21 days…I called H&R block, they asked if I got a letter, I said no, they told me to call the IRS…40 minutes of waiting, the rep said a letter either was sent, or will be sent…I asked which it was, she said she didn’t know, but there was a day of the 15th on there. I asked what that date was for? She said she didn’t know, either the letter should be here by then or will be sent by then. I asked what the letter was for. She said it’s either the government wanting more info to show proof I’m in school (I’ve been going for 3 years now), or a letter telling me when my refund will be processed…I asked which it was and she said she had no idea, they don’t get to know the content of the letter. So, I don’t know if I should have this letter by next friday, or they are sending it next friday. No one seems to have any answers. Has anyone received this supposed letter and know what the contents are that has the education credit?


  65. next year…
    Claim more, it’s better to owe a few bucks or break even.
    Don’t use the IRS as a savings account.


  66. I filed on Feb 24th excepted Feb 25. I have no education credits. My status hasn’t changed since the day it was excepted tried ordering a transcript can’t do it. Held on line 50 minutes with Irs was informed that I had to wait the full 21 days before calling back. Really this is the worst tax season yet last year I had mine back in 14 days. I haven’t switched jobs worked at the same job for 15 yrs.


  67. I think it is a little odd we never had these problems in the past now all the sudden the government is broke so we all get screwed and lied to about our tax returns. I bet the government high ups got their returns. this is insane. I have never had a problem filing this year they said someone filed in my social and it could take a few months to process. no one filed in my social, another excuse for them to steal from people trying to make ends meet. The only people I know that actually got a refund so far are the people that truly don’t deserve them. the people that work 10 hours a week for 6 months just so they can claim eic and get a huge tax return. They purposely quit once their income gets close so they can get the full EIC and all the food stamps, free housing, free insurance. This country is going nuts. I would rather pay 10 cents on the dollar in sales tax even 20 cents on the dollar if they didn’t take half my check. then everyone would pay, they welfare frauds, the drug dealers, the people working under the table. I don’t mind paying taxes to keep the government running if it is running correctly and everyone has to pay. I need my return and I am being told it could be months through no fault of my own because someone supposedly used my social as a dependant. Then they should have stopped from paying them but no I am the one that has to wait, we need a new system just start from scratch and get things right because this just isn’t working.


  68. Well its March 20 and we filed a tax return on Feb 25, 2013. We paid to have it electronically filed and waited purposely so that the kinds for the college credits could be worked out so as to not delay our refund….Havn’t gotten it yet and when you check the Where’s my Refund Status it says….processing when we have a date scheduled for a refund we will update page..So much for 21 days lmao and even more so much for the web page that is supposed to update you on your refund or any errors that happen…I wonder if they go past April if I get to charge them fees like they do Americans who don’t pay their taxes on time…


  69. I find it absolutely ridiculous! I need my transcript for school and can’t order it! I need my refund to help pay for things for my little sister. I have waited over 63 days for my refund to change from processing to an updated date! No such luck! I am beyond livid! I feel like creating a lawsuit against the IRS and H&R Block that will include a class action.. My education is being placed on hold and not to mention my money that I am entitled to is being held hostage without a valid explanation! Enough is Enough! I want this nightmare to END!


  70. Filed 3/4, accepted within hours. Received state’s refund on 3/11. Nothing from federal yet. WMR says it’s been accepted, no progress since 3/5. I’ve been using TurboTax since 2003 and I never had any issues with about anything, I pretty much had none of big changes in my life, just pretty much boring lifestyle for the past decade. Now, I wonder if IRS really ran out of money? lol. Hence, million different excuses for million people. IRS stands for I’m Really Stupid.


  71. I know what everyone is going through because I’m having the same problem as everyon else with waiting for weeks to receive your refund. I think it is so easy for them to put them on hold and hard to release it one time for those in need of their money. Next year I will not put 0 exempt because I prefer to get my money ahead of time before going through this next year with IRS. They never can give you a positive answer.


  72. I did my taxes on H&R my e file was accepted on Feb 1st its now March 25th and still nothing I check where’s my refund and it says still processing. This is ridiculous has anyone else been waiting this long?

    Jared B

    • I also did my taxes online with H&R Block. Mine was accepted Feb 4th and now it’s April 2nd and STILL processing… what’s UP with this???

      Paul B

      • I did my taxes 3/7/2013. Now it is 4/5/2013. Have not received a letter or a phone call. Says still processing. Something is up but they are too embarrassed to admit to mistakes. Its too late now to not say something. It will be a full solid month in about 2 days. Good luck all.


      • I filed through H&R Block Feb 4th and still show (Still Processing) It’s April 11th now. My taxs are pretty straight forward too. Good Luck All!!!


    • Jared B:

      I e-filed mine on April 12, 2013 which they accepted per an email, I requested a transcript due to the long delay, I received the transcript a few days later in the mail it said the e-file was processed on April 15, here we are 25 days later, 5.15.13 and still no refund. I have patience but this is crazy, I am still in between jobs and go to school online and this is the first year using the education credits that I get a refund due to my tuition. Unreal.


  73. H & R Block… that’s your problem right there. They are in such low standing with the IRS right now they are lucky they have the ability to continue to practice. This year they had over 600K returns sent back due to errors because they had NOT updated their system with the newest updates. There are updates from the IRS nearly every single day, every time even the smallest change goes into effect, they update all systems, and as preparers we are required to download those and install them into every processing computer. HRB & Turbo Tax did not do this this year. Making over 1million or better mistakes. So question where your returns are? Blame your paid tax preparers… I am one, and what’s worse, is All the commercials on tv who talk about us not having adequate training etc, hmmm… seems to be they need to be removing their foot from said mouth. Just saying… and for the record… I am still waiting on my tax return and it’s been 4 weeks. I do not expect it anytime soon, and I just filed married filing jointly with 6 dependents and a schedule A. Nothing extremely major. Should have been a breeze as I have been claiming each of my children since birth and owned my home for 3 years…. so it effects everyone even us preparers…. I hope you have a better year and know that each of us are suffering with you. BUT as preparers we have ZERO Control over the IRS. ~ Amanda


  74. Ok so we always use Jackson Hewitt and this year the woman messed up and they had to file a amended return they sent it by mail march 6 and the IRS said they recieved it march 11 and it was in processing well sat I checked where’s my amended return and it told me the same thing I even called the number and well today I checked and it said they have no record of my amended return so I called and got a idiot that made me a little to angry I hung up and re called was on hold both time for almost a hour each time but the girl I got said that sometimes until there being sent and aproved that it will show up that way so I just have to wait it out and hope!!! Anyone else have an issue like this


  75. I always use Tax ACT and it has never taken this long. I am single, with no kids, in between jobs, no debts owed to the IRS, and no child support payments, and I e-filed my taxes after the January fiasco with the education credits. Silliness. Still waiting, IRS, thanks a lot. Tick, tock,tick, tock, tick, tock…


  76. I did my taxes in the beginning of february. Here it is nov.6. They say they have my documents and they are still reviewing them. I called a couple days ago they told me they have made a decision but I have to just wait for the letter to get here and if I dont hear anything by Dec . 18th to call them


  77. I used Tax Act this year also. I usually use Turbo Tax with direct deposit. My return was accepted on 2/24 and I my status still has not changed on the IRS site. Everyone knows the IRS are crooks anyway but this is bad.


  78. i filed my taxes February 5th 2014 for the 2013 yr and here it is march 20th and still no taxes really wtf is going on i want my money to pay off a bill i have im not happy at all this is bs i called them and because i haven’t filed taxes because of an illness no work for three yrs they wouldn’t give me no info as if there was something someone could do with that info over the phone really i just want to know where my money is im not very happy at all


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