It’s time to see what is happening in personal finance outside of My Dollar Plan! Here’s a great collection of finance tips featuring saving money, making money, going to school and retirement.
Featured Finance Tip
Here’s How Rich You’d Be if You Stopped Drinking Expensive Coffee – $5 a Day for 40 Years Could Buy a House (in Today’s Dollars). -WiseBread
Finance Reads
What It Will Really Cost to Ditch Cable for à  la Carte TV – A rundown of all the confirmed and rumored prices of the streaming options on the a la carte TV platter. -Gizmodo
How much you have to earn to be considered middle class in every US state – What you need to earn to be in the middle class in each state. -Yahoo Finance
10 Bad Financial Habits You Need to Break to Get Out of Debt – I like number 5: Instead of waiting for a miracle, start opening your bills and taking the time to make a budget. -Money Crashers
ROI of Brand Name Colleges? It’s What You Study In College That Matters, Not Where You Go – What you study matters far more than where you study it. -My Money Blog
How I’m Saving $100/mo on Our Cell Bill! – Is it time to switch to Republic Wireless? -Budgets are Sexy
I Ditched Graduate School To Invest In Real Estate, Here’s What Happened – After a decade of investing in real estate, was it worth it? -Girls Just Wanna Have Funds
The 4% spending rule, 20 years later – Why does the 4% spending rule get a bad rap? -Vanguard Blog
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