Posted by Madison on December 30, 2010
I’m trying out Amazon Video on Demand for the first time this week while we’re on vacation.
My husband got me a Logitech Revue with Google TV for Christmas. (Which so far, is a lot of fun!)
And just in time for use with my new Google TV, Amazon is offering a free $5 Video on Demand credit.
Amazon Video on Demand Credit
Here is how to get your free $5 video on demand credit:
- Go to this Amazon Video on Demand offer.
- Login in to your account and click on the tweet button by January 1, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST.
- Get a $5 credit on your account to use in the next week.
American Express Credit. If you didn’t use the $25 American Express Shopping Bonus during the holidays, be sure to use it by tomorrow.
Wrapping up 2010. I put together a list of 8 End of Year Finance Moves to cross off your list before the end of the year.
End of the Year
New Year’s Resolutions
And More!
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