When you spend your money, you want to get a good value for what you pay for. Your goal should never be to put out money for things that cost more than they are worth. If you subscribe to spending this way, you will never get ahead financially. Unfortunately, there are some things where the […]
Do you want to save more money? Do you want to start saving money in the first place? With so many people finding it difficult to save on a regular basis, I decided to talk to you today about using a saving challenge to help you get started saving or start saving more money. I’ll […]
How good are you at managing your finances? Are you where you want to be or could you use some improvement? If you are like most others, there is room for improvement. No matter what area you are struggling in, there are a few small steps you can take to improve your situation. 4 Mistakes […]
We all know that in order to reach our financial dreams, we have to save money. Most of us go about this by saving whatever is left over at the end of the month. Sadly, this usually amounts to nothing as we spend all we have (and in some cases, more than we have). In […]
We finally got rid of cable and replaced it with Sling TV. We’ve talked about How to Get Rid of Cable and Still Watch TV for years, but ran into stumbling blocks, mainly for sports related programming. Cutting cable or switching to a lower cost provider is a great way to save money. Here’s how […]
5 Quick Tips to Save Money
Posted byI love to save money. Who doesn’t right? While you can search for ways to save, I figured I would show you the many different ways I save and how they work. After all, seeing how a real person saves as opposed to a random list can be much more beneficial. Here are the various […]