Best of My Dollar Plan: April

Posted by Madison on April 28, 2016

This month our most popular finance tips were focused on building your emergency fund, improving your financial life using common sense, reducing your taxes with investments, buying better quality items to save money in the long run, and a sign up bonus from TD Bank.

If you missed the most popular finance tips this month, here’s a quick overview:

This Month’s Most Popular Tips: April

5 Easy Ways to Build Your Emergency Fund. Did you use your tax refund to bulk up your emergency fund? Don shares more ideas to add to your emergency fund.

5 Ways to Reduce Your Taxes as an Investor. Even though the tax deadline has passed, it’s a great time to start working on these tips to cut your tax bill in the future.

TD Cash Visa $200 Sign Up Bonus. TD Bank is offering a $200 bonus on their credit card; the offer ends on Monday, May 2.

Use These 4 Steps to Improve Your Life… Financially. If you want to get ahead financially, it really all comes down to common sense in these four steps.

Should You Spend More Money Now to Save More Later? To save money over the long run, find the lowest price on the best quality item that you need.

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