Beginner Credit Card Application Spree Q & A

Posted by Madison on March 4, 2013

After detailing my friend Annie’s $825 Beginner Credit Card Application Spree, readers had a few questions about it. They are fantastic questions that many of you would like to know the answers to:

I won’t say that I was disappointed after reading your article (I never am!) I just thought it was for those just starting to establish credit. I’ve been trying to help my son who just turned eighteen establish credit but he’s been turned down twice. What’s the best way to go about this? – Kristan

Hi Kristan,
I could see how you would think that with the title… especially if that’s what you are keeping your eye out for!

The best way for him to get his first card is with a student credit card: Credit Cards for Students.

He’ll get a lower limit (which is good) and since the cards are targeted for students they’ll expect his application to have limited income and not much history.

If the student cards don’t work, he could try a secured card, but I wouldn’t rush to that just yet. Assuming his credit doesn’t have anything negative on it (just not much history yet), the student cards should help him get started.

While I have enjoyed some of your blog content, if you are providing an example of your very aggressive credit card churning plan, you should also provide some of the pros/cons – i.e., Chase will start rejecting you if you get too many Chase cards, how often you should churn, etc. – Soriso


Great reminder! Sometimes I get so excited about free money, I get carried away and forget to fill in new readers with all of the details, reminders, and disclaimers! Here is a collection of very helpful topics that cover many of the things you need to read and understand before even considering a credit card application spree (or credit card churning as Soriso referred to it):

  • How Much Do Credit Inquiries Really Matter? In it I detail how I spread out our inquiries. I end up rotating inquiries every six months (and I also rotate between my credit and my husband’s credit to allow us to do an application spree quarterly.) I also specifically remind readers that there are two times when it’s not appropriate to play credit card games: When you need a mortgage (or are planning a refinance) and for beginners or young adults who are just learning about money management.
  • Credit Card Application Spree Q & A answers quite a few questions about the process. We also discuss the topic that many of the card issuers have a limit of applying for 2 at a time. Some of the card issuers also have a maximum number of total cards in your name, however, I’ve found that some companies, will give you a phone call and let you pick a card to get rid of to make room for the new card. With other companies, you have to initiate a follow up phone call to ask for a reconsideration, but many are more than willing to work with you if give them a phone call.
  • How to Collect Multiple Credit Card Sign Up Bonuses details how I carefully track my application sprees with a master spreadsheet to make sure I don’t miss any requirements.

The bottom line though, is that credit card sprees or churning are an aggressive financial move for those who are proficient at money management. I share my stories about them because it’s my hobby and I love to find ways to make free money, but there is a lot to manage and it’s not risk free.

My credit is not to good, what is chance to get approved? -Semir

Hi Semir,

Like I mentioned to Soriso above, a credit card application spree isn’t going to work for someone without good credit, and it’s not something I’d recommend. Instead, I’d focus on improving your credit. Review the Credit Score models and focus on correcting the big negatives: late payments, the utilization percentage and balances. If you have poor credit, it’s much more important to work on learning to manage your money responsibly.

Credit Card Application Spree Action Plan

Discussing the possibilities of free money from credit card application sprees excites me to search for more! Since it’s been three months from the last one that I did for my husband, I think I’ll spend some time putting together the next one soon! Stay tuned…

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