My Dollar Plan just celebrated nine years of personal finance! Thank you to each one of you for reading, commenting and sharing your own personal finance tips and questions. I love receiving your emails with feedback and ideas for making My Dollar Plan articles even better. I truly hope you found lots of information to […]
Archive for December, 2016
Costco is giving out $10 to try their business delivery service! I received an email this week advertising 4,000 items for delivery. The terms state it’s for solicited new delivery members, but I found the offer on the website in addition to receiving an email. For a free $10, I’m willing to try it out. […]
Secret Santa Gift Ideas Under $20
Posted byOur countdown to the holidays continues with our weekly holiday gift guide series! Today we’re looking for Secret Santa gift ideas under $20! Whether it was in college, with my family, or at my job, there is always a Secret Santa every year. Secret Santa, when you purchase presents for a recipient that doesn’t know […]
BeFrugal Cashback and $10+ Bonus
Posted byIt’s time to launch our holiday cash back series! First up is BeFrugal since you can earn an easy $10 sign up bonus. You can earn cash back at BeFrugal when you shop online. I’ve used Be Frugal to earn over $3,000 in cash back shopping online! In addition, I have almost $1,000 pending in […]