Fill your long Presidents’ Day Weekend with some of these excellent personal finance reads!
Vanguard just announced they’re launching the international bond index fund and ETF. More on international and bonds:
Finance Reads
Vanguard Traditional IRA to Roth IRA Conversion – This was a great review of an IRA conversion at Vanguard. I’m going to bookmark it for the future! -Million Dollar Journey
5 Tips for Borrowing Money From Family – This is a great list of things to consider when you’re borrowing money from a family member. -Three Thrifty Guys
What to Do After Paying Off Debt – It’s so great when you’ve finally paid off all of your debt but then there’s always the question of, “What now?” -MoneySmartLife
Using Credit Carefully to Weather Tough Times – I thought this was a very relevant article as using credit can sometimes be helpful or necessary. -Money Under 30
4 Reasons Why Successful Investors Choose Dividend Investing – I’ve been reading this dividend investing series with interest! -FreeMoneyFinance
Easy Things You Can Do to Save You Money – This was a pretty basic list but I always find these sorts of things a good reminder of ways to save money every day. -Lazy Man’s Money
Factor In Closing Costs When Buying a Home – I didn’t know a lot about closing costs so found this an informative read. -GenXFinance
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