Net Worth by Age, Home Ownership and Working
First, an update on our digging adventure. I had a dream that the bill was $30,000! Yikes. I hope that was just a dream. We had the pipe replaced, they poured new concrete for sidewalks and our front stoop, replaced all the landscaping and replaced the sod. As of Friday, our house and lawn are all put back together again…. now we wait for the bill.
Don’t forget, today is the last day for the Etrade $25 Sign Up Bonus. I signed my husband up and I’m earmarking the $25 for our dig… $25 down, ?? to go!
Net Worth By Age
My favorite article this week is Net Worth by Age and Income – Where do you stand? I’m 29, so the average net worth my age is $2,125. Clearly I’m doing better than average since I’m going to start living off my savings and $2k wouldn’t get me very far! How are you doing compared to your age group? (Edit: The example doesn’t show my results, but rather those of Single Guy Money’s.)
Network News
Both networks that I belong to are expanding! Welcome aboard to the new members, Sara and Jason.
Sara from On Simplicity has joined The Life Skills Network. She had a recent article that hit home – Turn Your Dream Telecommuting Job into a Nightmare in Five Easy Steps. As I soon embark on a semi-work at home arrangement, I’ll need to remind myself of these rules. Simple Mom reminds me I’ll also need to keep from over committing myself!
Frugal Dad has joined The Money Writers. You’ll recognize Jason’s posts because he’s also a member of The Life Skills Network with me. Jason’s mother was just diagnosed with a life threatening condition, so he’s featuring some guest posts right now. Check out It’s Not About the Money from Ben at Money Smart Life.
Home Ownership
10 Home Maintenance Tasks You Typically Put Off or Ignore
Terrific tips to save money down the road. Number 6 is critical. If you still have rubber hoses going to your washing machine, put it on your list to replace those this month!
Beyond Mortgage Payments, The True Cost of Home Ownership
As I mentioned with the digging incident, home maintenance is a housing cost you need to plan for. Here are some more things to consider.
More for your household:
- 25 Ideas To Stay Cool And Beat The Heat This Summer
- 25 Frugal Ways To Reuse Everyday Household Items
Ways Not Having a Job Impacts Our Personal Finances
Lazy address all the points from my 15 tips for saving money while you still have a job. In addition, he adds six things I can look forward to. The month-long vacation looks especially appealing!
More at work:
- The Envelope at Work: Do You Give (In)?
- Do the work that you love to do
- 9 Tips For Going To One Income
- Finish each day and be done with it
More Great Articles
The Art of Spending Minutes to Save Hours
I like keyboard shortcuts. Because I create an excel spreadsheet for all my money ideas, I’m a big fan of learning shortcuts to save time.

I’ve found a strange by-product of PF blogging being more dreams about finance and the like. Weird. I suppose it makes sense if I’ve been thinking about blogging stuff shortly before bed.
Thanks for including my article.
I found the net worth comparison particularly interesting. My net worth is much closer to my income range than my age range. I wonder if it is the same way with older folks too?
How I compare using the tool.
Yeah, that comparison chart made me feel pretty darn good about where I stand. I guess the trick now is just to keep up!
And thanks for the welcome–I’m glad to be a part of The Life Skills Network!
Thanks for the link!