Happy Anniversary!
I can’t believe it… it’s been one year since My Dollar Plan officially went live. Last week I asked for input to help shape the direction of the upcoming year here. Thanks for casting all your votes! The top five categories that you want to read about are:
- Retirement Planning
- Investing
- Frugality
- Free Money
- Tax Strategies
Going forward, I’ll do my best to make the core articles about these topics and work in the others when it makes sense. You can check out all the votes to see the numbers.
Thank You
Thanks for making it a great year! I had no idea this time last year that I would meet so many wonderful people and I would have so much fun writing about finances. I owe a big thank you to you, my readers!
I love hearing from you! But of course, as long time readers know, I suck at email! I read every single one, but I don’t always get out a timely reply. However, I also save many of them to write about in the future, so you might see your question in an upcoming article.
Personal Finance Favorites
Every Wednesday I highlight articles that others have written that I like during the week. Learning about personal finance takes a community and there are many fabulous articles. Here are my favorites this week from The Money Writers and more:
Seven Unique Side Hustles To Keep Your Family Finances Afloat
Looking for a little bit of extra money during a hard time? Here are some ideas from Frugal Dad to keep you going.
8 Tips For First Time Home Buyers Entering This Real Estate Market
Thinking of buying a new house right now? Here are some great considerations that will help you on your way.
Get 4% or More Return for Your Money
Do you have cash on hand? Sun finds some places where you can earn a decent return even as rates are so low right now.
A zero-sum world view
Is building wealth a zero sum game (another words, someone else’s must go down for yours to go up)?
How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake You Always Make
My favorite is start right now. There’s no time better than today to start whatever it is that you’ve been putting off — financially or otherwise.
Back To Basics: 8 Tips For Investing Money To Build Wealth
“Simple, practical information to help you grow wealth” … a great article in the ongoing Back to Basics series at My Super-Charged Life.
Our Early Retirement Plan: Introduction (Part 0)
Lazy Man and Money is doing a 5 part series on his early retirement plans. Also check out Our Early Retirement Plan: Where We Are Now (Part 1) and Our Early Retirement Plan: My Personal Income (Part 2).
A Primer on Reverse Mortgages
What is a reverse mortgage and how does it work? Here are the pros and cons if you were ever considering one for yourself or a family member.
Worst Rewards Credit Cards – What’s Hidden in the Fine Print
I laughed out loud at this creative take on our current world and credit cards.

Congratulations on your anniversary, and thanks for mentioning my “side hustles” article. I look forward to reading My Dollar Plan for another year, particularly posts on those core articles because I really enjoy your thoughts on those subjects.
Congratulations on a year well done! I know how challenging it is to frequently create great new content and you’ve done a very admirable job. Kudos!
Bryan Ellis
Congratulations!! Keeping these blog thingies going can be challenging, so kudos on a good year, and best wishes for many years to come! 🙂
Congrats on the successful year. You’re amazing! 😉
Congratulations! I somehow never remembered my site’s anniversary, so I missed two already 🙁
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Love your blog and can’t wait to read more!
You really have a great blog and you are an inspiration.
Yes, let me just add my congratulations! One year is an impressive milestone. Keep it coming!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! 🙂
Congrats on reaching one year! I’m sure there will be many more to come!