When is the 2010 Tax Deadline?

Posted by Madison on February 9, 2010

When is the 2010 tax deadline for your 2009 tax return? As a tax junkie, the date is etched in stone in my mind. However, I realize that not everyone knows when taxes are due. The 2010 tax deadline for your 2009 tax return is April 15, 2010.

Tax Deadline Postmark

Whether or not you meet the tax deadline is based on the postmark. You must have your taxes postmarked by the deadline, but the IRS doesn’t need to receive your taxes by the tax deadline. If you are using TurboTax, just make sure to print out your entire return and have it to the post office before closing time on April 15.

Growing up, I remember when my mom used to volunteer at the post office every April 15. They would help taxpayers finish their returns and get them in the mail. It was like a big tax party, and they even served refreshments!

Of course, now that efile is so popular, there isn’t as much activity at the post office. However, there are still many people who mail their return in. If you are efiling, you’ll also need to submit your return electronically by April 15.

Tax Extensions

If you file for an extension, your tax return will be due on October 15. You can file Form 4868 to get an automatic extension. However, you still have to pay the tax due by the original tax deadline on April 15.

Tax Deadline Extras

While you are working on your tax return, there are some other deadlines that fall on the same day as the tax deadline.

Retirement Contributions. The tax deadline is also the deadline for making contributions to your IRA and Roth IRA.

Estimated Tax Payments. If you make estimated tax payments, April 15 is also the same day that that estimated tax payments are due for first quarter.

Not always April 15. Next year the 2011 tax deadline will be extended due to the holidays.

Tax Filing Online

Now that you know when the tax deadline is you can go ahead and file your taxes online right now for free with TurboTax!

Get your biggest tax refund, guaranteed. Plus FREE Expert Tax Advice. File your Federal tax return for FREE today with TurboTax!

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