Now that I quit my job, it’s about time that you get to know me a little better. Because of my career and my industry, I’ve steered clear from some great financial topics. Once I no longer have a conflict of interest, I’ll be able to write much more on some topics that I have a wealth of knowledge on. Stay tuned…
In addition, I can be much more open with details about me personally. So what do you want to know? Feel free to ask anything whether it’s related to finance or not. (Of course, there’s some stuff I probably won’t answer… this is the internet after all.)
For example, if you want to know what kind of TV I watch, just ask! (I love Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, and I’m a reality TV series junkie – did you see that an Extreme Home Makeover house is going into foreclosure?) Funny that I write about TV, just after Marc and Angel detailed the 40 Positive Effects of a TV Free Week!
Leave your questions in the comments or email me and I’ll work on putting together some future articles that address your questions!
On to my favorite articles of the week…
From The Life Skills Network:
From The Money Writers:
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I just found your site yesterday and read a ton of posts. Here are some things I was wondering….
* Where did you take the houseboat vacation? What was the houseboat like (bedrooms, space, etc)? How was the motion (vis a vis someone who gets motion sick on boats). Was it like a floating house or a luxury yacht or something else completely?
And umm…I can’t remember what I was thinking about…..
That’s interesting and sad that an Extreme Home Makeover house is going to foreclosure. People can certainly do foolish things with their money. Hopefully, those that read sites like yours will not fall into such traps.
Thanks for mentioning my article about ways to train your brain!
It doesn’t surprise me in the least that an Extreme Home Makeover house is in foreclosure. I’ve seen one of these families first hand, and the nicest thing I can say is that it doesn’t do anyone any good to give someone a substantial asset, but not give him any money management training.
@ AnnMarie: Here’s an update on the houseboat adventure: Ask Madison: Reader Mail
How much have you saved and how did you calculate what you would need to retire?
Ok, so I get you’ve been saving a long time and have been frugal. But considering the average woman’s lifespan is 80+ today, I don’t see how you could’ve accumulated the $1 million ++ you’d need to permanently retire in just a few short years post-college, considering somehow you had to also finance graduate school and I assume you are going to have to pay for your children’s housing, education, healthcare, etc. I have an MBA in finance, a brokerage license and am planning to sit for my financial planner certification this summer. The numbers just don’t add up to me unless your husband already had a sizable nest egg, your parents helped you finance your first home, and/or you lived in your car while working on Wall Street for 5 years from age 23 on. I’ve been saving from the age of 16 as well and have had a 401k since the age of 22, and have always have been frugal, but there is no way I am close to full-time retirement.
I agree with Kristina. I think it really is an inaccurate description to describe Madison as retired. If that is the case then my wife has been retired since she was 30. We didn’t call it that. We called it “being a stay at home mom”. Plus blogging to generate ad revenue (off of this blog etc) is participating in the work force. Therefore still not retired.
If you both dropped your jobs and didn’t have any side “business” then you would actually meet the definition of retired.
Here is more of the information that you are looking for: Leaving My Job: Q & A.