Vacations: Flights, Camping, Gas Prices and More!
We just got back from our long weekend trip. It always seems to take awhile to get back in the swing of things, get caught up on grocery shopping, email and everyday routines.
It was the first long car trip with both little ones in tow. While we planned on hooking up our DVD player, we found out it was broken just before we pulled out of the alley. Yikes! Let’s just say that I spent the majority of the car ride squeezed in between their car seats trying to entertain them.
My favorite article this week is a top 100 list that hits close to home. We love where we live, and apparently so do others! Our city made The Top 100 Best Cities To Raise A Family.
Save Money on Airline Tickets – Vacation Tips for Cheap Flights
We’re always on the lookout for cheap flights to visit family, especially now that we have to buy a seat for our two-year-old. Unfortunately the new rules charging for luggage really hit hard when you travel with toddlers and all their gear.
Saving Strategy: Ask for a Discount
We actually used this strategy last weekend at the hotel. We changed hotels at the last minute and asked the new hotel to match the price of the other one. They couldn’t match it exactly, but they came close saving us a bundle. Never hurts to ask!
Into the wild…without spending a lot of money
Our kids are still a bit too young to go camping without complete chaos, but I can’t wait until we get to go as a family. Since we don’t own camping gear, I like the idea of renting it, since it might turn into a one-time adventure!
Trying To Save Gas Makes People Very Angry
When we went up north last weekend; gas was $4.25 per gallon! Enough said.
Employee Benefits
67 Year Old Advised by Accountant to Not Enroll in 401k – Should He Find a New Accountant?
I just cringe when I hear how blindly people trust professionals in their lives. It just goes to show that ultimately we are all accountable to research things on our own; no one looks out more for you than you!
I’m Self-Employed! Retirement Plans, Insurance and Tax Considerations are Afoot
Getting started in self employment? Here’s a great place to get you going with your own benefit plans.
Hospital Compare: Compare Hospitals Online
With health care costs continually on the rise, it pays to shop around and find the best health care possible for a reasonable price. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services launched a new service to compare your local hospitals.
More great articles this week:
- How Much Cash Should I Carry? at Frugal Dad
- 40 Year Mortgages – More Popular at Quest for Four Pillars
- The Future of Personal Finance Tools at Lazy Man and Money
- Make Extra Money by Selling Your Hair at Free Money Finance
- 26 Ways To Make Extra Money While Keeping Your Day Job at The Wisdom Journal
- American Idol Teaches Five Lessons On Being A Winner at My Super-Charged Life

I like the vacation articles. Summer is sweet!
Thanks for linking to my Idol post!
Thanks for linking to us!
Great roundup Madison. Thanks for including my article!