Posted by Madison on March 19, 2008
Welcome readers from MSN!
Today I wrote a guest post for MSN on Investment Snowflaking explaining how it works, the benefits and some examples. It’s a spin-off of a popular strategy know as debt snowflaking.
Each time you receive extra money — a sale on eBay, a bonus check, or repayment from a friend who borrowed $20 — direct it toward your investments. These dollars do not replace your regular contributions, but are above and beyond them.
Head over to MSN to read the complete article if you haven’t yet. Thank you to MSN for the opportunity to write a guest post.
If you are arriving from MSN and want to learn more about my investment approach, you can read about our dollar plan, our asset allocation, and our declining contribution percentages.
If you are interested in reading more about snowflaking…here’s some articles by various personal finance writers:
In addition, there’s a snowflake revolution devoted to listing many personal finance sites applying snowflaking strategies for investing and debt payoff.
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