Posted by Amanda on April 21, 2010
In case you have been living in the dark ages (some by choice), the web has evolved into a resource for free services ranging anywhere from information, to cable television shows, to college courses!
Internet users are demanding that anything on the web be free, and so for new companies and even existing companies to gain headway in their markets, offering free services through the internet has become mainstream. This is great for people like you and me: the consumers.
Check out these free web services:
Free Web Services
- Hulu: Check out this website for your favorite free cable television shows, such as Flash Forward, Lost, and Family Guy. For a bonus, purchase an HDMI cable for approximately $2 to hook up your laptop to your television screen in order to air these shows on your tube. Who needs to pay for cable anymore?
- Wikipedia: Sign onto the largest encyclopedia in existence, and find information for projects, papers, general know-how, and the latest in pop culture. No need to purchase encyclopedia sets.
- Sharpmail: Send that annoying coworker, or beautiful woman you have been admiring an anonymous email or text message using this service. Think about the pranks you could pull-off next April Fool’s Day!
- Skype: Stay in touch with relatives, friends, and significant others for free with this fantastic online chatting system. Use its video call function to help ease your distance restraints.
- Tech Support Guy: Ever try to use a function on your computer, or find a glitch in your Vista operating system and leave feeling frustrated? Now you can email the Tech Support Guy and receive free tech support!
- Fax Zero: You can have your own fax number, and be able to send faxes to others for free using this service! The free faxes will have an ad page, and you are allowed 2 per day (3 pages each).
- Free College Courses: Check out this website for a listing of free online courses from some of the top colleges nationwide, including MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and more.
- Project Gutenberg: Download over 30,000 free e-books.
- Where’s George: Literally track where your dollar goes to by inserting its serial number into this website. Will that money you spent on a sandwich yesterday end up in Spain, or down the street at a local convenience store?
- Use this free online tool to manage your personal finances.
What are your favorite free resources?
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Was aware of most of these, except the Tech Support and Sharpmail. These are great finds! Thanks.
I am so stupid…. I just realised the newsletter you send me are actual blog posts too and I can comment :).
I love many of the services you mentioned. I guess Youtube is missing because it’s so obvious? I am creating a video tonight to show people how to use Youtube as a free content loaded music player.
Project Gutenberg is simply stunning! Listening to Dracula that I downloaded from there right now.
I highly recommend that you check out these sites.
Do you people know of any other places?