Posted by Madison on October 15, 2009
Wouldn’t you know it, the day the Dow decides to cross 10,000, I have a chunk of money sitting on the sidelines. It wasn’t intentional, as I don’t believe in timing the market; it was the result of moving some money around.
I was moving our solo 401k from Fidelity to Vanguard. At the same time, I decided to get a bunch of paperwork done and move an old 401k to an IRA at Vanguard too.
It probably won’t be that big of deal, since it’s a tiny portion of our portfolio… but it makes me question why on earth it takes so long to do a transfer or rollover?
I guess the bigger question is… where is the market headed from here?
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1 Comment
Beware of jumping in now! I just wrote something on the 10 Lessons Learned From The Recession.
That said, I did end the post saying Dow 20,000!