Are Municipal Bonds the Next Bubble?
If you watch Suze Orman, you know that she LOVES to recommend municipal bonds. Municipal bonds allow you to loan money to a city, county or other local government. They are attractive investments because they are considered nearly risk-free and provide income that is exempt from federal taxes. As the stock market tanked, investors fled to bonds as a way to protect their money. As demand soared, bond prices skyrocketed – even while returns cooled slightly. This combined with the current economic environment has led some experts to ask if municipal bonds (commonly called “Munis†could be the next bubble.
What makes a Bubble
You’ve probably heard the terms “tech bubble†and “housing bubble†tossed about. But do you know what really makes a bubble? Bubbles form when an investment enjoys outsized returns. As a result, investors flock to the investment, driving prices higher. The higher prices attract even more investors, and the price keeps going up. But at some point, the price exceeds a reasonable amount for the return that the investment provides. Investors realize that their investment wasn’t worth it, and start trying to unload the product. As a result, prices fall – often quickly – and the bubble bursts. Those who haven’t managed to unload the investment miss out on the gains they could have had if they had sold sooner. And when bubbles burst quickly, as they often do, investors usually lose some or all of their initial investment as well.
Why Munis could be Next
There are two ways to make money on municipal bonds: by receiving interest payments at regular intervals and then receiving your principal back at maturity, or by selling the bonds for a profit before maturity. With unemployment high and consumer spending still struggling in the wake of the recession, states and municipalities are dealing with lower tax revenue. A few bond issuers have failed to pay bondholders when the bonds mature. Investors who hold munis to maturity lose their initial investment when this happens.
The more common way that munis (or really all bonds) lead to a loss for investors is when interest rates and inflation rise, thus pushing bond prices down. When this happens, it is nearly impossible for investors to sell their bonds at a profit.
Municipal bond demand has remained high, even as returns have begun to stabilize. If the weak economic recovery continues, there might be more defaults on municipal bonds. If the economy stabilizes more rapidly, inflation and interest rates will increase. In either case, municipal bond prices will suffer – and with them, your investment returns could take a tumble.
What you can Do
Just like stocks, go with what you know and diversify. The best way to purchase municipal bonds is through a municipal bond fund. This way you are exposed to bonds from a variety of municipalities, and if one goes sour you won’t lose all your money. You can trust fund managers to get in and out of short and long term bonds as the interest rate and inflation environments change. If you absolutely can’t afford to lose any part of your money or don’t understand how the investment works, keep your money in CDs or Money Market accounts instead.

Are bonds bought for certain lengths of time? 6 months? year? Is there a mimimum amount required to purchase?
Hmmm….there could be an investment strategy worth pursuing here: short sell anything that Suze Orman promotes. I’m still puzzled as to how she’s gotten as much clout as she has…
Muni Bonds can be bought as individual bonds – or in a mutual fund. Lengths of term on bonds can also vary from months to several years. The advantage to muni bonds is that since they are funding government projects (schools, libraries, roads, etc), the interest is free from US tax, and in some cases state taxes as well.
Talk to an advisor if you are considering bonds as an investment. You can also visit my website for a Free Report – 5 Things You May Not Know About Municipal Bonds.
I agree with Matt, I rarely follow Suze Orman’s advice. To be fair to Suze, she is a high income individual with a huge portfolio and this tax-exempt investment is designed for people like her.
I am very concerned about the solvency of municiplaities and their ability to repay all of these bonds. More important, most of the yields on these bonds are less than the true rate of inflation, so they are money losers from day one. I don’t think the risk and the yield add up to a good investment.
If municipal bonds are the next bubble, investing in a municipal bond fund seems very risky. Once the bubble bursts, the value of municipal bond funds would fall significantly.