Posted by
Madison on October 14, 2008
Time for some reader input! Here’s a question from Jaynee. She and her husband have been doing a great job saving money for their kids. They diligently put gifts the kids receive into their savings accounts. However, now that the balances are growing, she knows a savings account isn’t the best place for the money […]
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Madison on October 7, 2008
Tax breaks, savings credits, and fabulous graphs of the Presidential tax plans are all the rage, but I think the root cause of the money management problem in our country is the complete lack of financial education. Our schools don’t teach a comprehensive financial program (or anything in most schools), and many parents don’t teach […]
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Posted by
Madison on February 1, 2008
I put together a comprehensive list of all the financial considerations to help determine what the impact would be if I stay home from work. Readers added the things I overlooked. It’s not a decision I’m making lightly. My husband and I have been discussing it at great lengths, sometimes in circles. Thanks for all […]
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Posted by
Madison on January 31, 2008
I recently put together the financial considerations to help me decide if I should go back to work or stay home. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this… and not just in the last two days. It’s something I’ve been thinking about since I started my leave last fall. There’s so much to consider both financially […]
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Posted by
Madison on January 29, 2008
Photography by Oslo In The Summertime I’m scheduled to return to work in a couple weeks after a 5 month maternity leave. As the date draws closer, I find myself questioning whether I want to stay home or go back to work. It’s a dilemma that many moms face, and I had the same questions […]
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Posted by
Madison on January 26, 2008
Sixteen personal finance writers put together an outstanding guide of finance material that spans a lifetime in the Money Matters for All Ages series. The entire series is also available to download in a free e-book. Here’s the highlights:
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