Taxes, My Closet, and Reader Goal

Posted by Madison on November 14, 2007

What do taxes and my closet have to do with readers? They are all part of my goals before year end. Why not combine them into one goal? I’m going to match the number of readers in clothing donations!

Yesterday I highlighted Tax Deduction for Women gathering up the bridesmaid dresses for donations. Today I’m finishing off the closet. Each year at the end of the year, I clean out my closet and donate clothes to Goodwill. While most people have spring cleaning, I have tax cleaning, focusing on getting donations out the door in time for this year’s taxes.

I have a hard time parting with clothes. Even those that I haven’t worn in forever. So I came up with a plan that will reward me for one of the goals that I’m working on: getting 150 readers per day. By this time next week, I want my average daily visitor count to exceed 150.

If the average visitor count makes it over 150, I will donate that many items from my closet! Talk about incentive to clear out all those clothes. So tell a handful of friends about the site! Let’s empty my closet. Let’s empty yours too! Get rid of all those things you never wear and donate, donate, donate.

And it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t mention the 2006 IRS guidelines stating that clothing must be in good condition or better to claim your deduction.

Read the results of the reader goal.

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