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Eco-Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas

Almost everyone is attempting to be more environmentally friendly at the office and at home. This is either because they are eco-conscious, or because they have realized that many eco-friendly products end up saving them money. However, many people do not like to make the initial “capital” costs for eco-friendly products. For example, it is known that Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) [1] will lower your energy costs and will need to be replaced less often than normal light bulbs. But they also cost more upfront than regular light bulbs. By purchasing some CFLs as a gift, you are eliminating that capital cost for your friend, family member, or coworker [2] and allowing them to reap the savings over several years.

Eco Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas

Below are some of my favorite eco-friendly products. I’d love to hear yours in the comments section!

  • Reusable Shopping Bags: Depending on your relationship with friends and family, you could stock up on a bundle of these for free from grocery stores, conventions, and other organizations throughout the year. Add a bow and viola! If you would like to purchase some, I personally have purchased from Chico Bags [3].
  • Kill-A-Watt [4]: This is such a neat tool. It does not save you energy in and of itself, but you can plug anything into it and measure the amount of energy it is using. Having this knowledge is valuable when deciding what appliances to use, what to keep plugged in versus what to unplug when not in use, how to prioritize appliance replacement, etc.
  • Dryer Balls [5]: Dryer balls are supposed to decrease the amount of dryer time a load of wash typically takes.
  • Thermal Leak Detector [6]: This helps you figure out where there are leaks and drafts in your home through infrared sensors.
  • Tees for Change [7]: Someone gave this to me as a gift last year! These shirts are made from 100% cotton or a 70% bamboo/30% cotton blend. They are also pesticide and sweat shop-free. Every tee that is purchased will plant a tree.
  • Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags [8]: How great would it be to not have to purchase plastic sandwich and snack bags for lunches throughout the year? I’d like a pair of these for myself.
  • Reusable Dryer Sheets [9]: Here is another great way to give savings to your friends and family. These can be used 500 times before they need to be replaced.
  • Rechargeable Batteries [10]: Batteries are very expensive (at least I think so). It’s so great to be able to recharge a set and have them on hand for remote controls, small electronics, etc.

Solar Charger [11]: This is so cool (I might just buy one for myself)—a solar charger with universal USB ports to fit various small electronics! You could keep your smartphones, MP3 players, and other energy-sucking electronics powered up at no cost!

What are your favorite eco-friendly products that would work well as gifts?

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