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Finance Tips: Vanguard Launches International Bond Index Fund

Fill your long Presidents’ Day Weekend with some of these excellent personal finance reads [1]!

Source: neighborhoods.org [2]


Vanguard just announced they’re launching the international bond index fund and ETF [3]. More on international and bonds:

Finance Reads

Vanguard Traditional IRA to Roth IRA Conversion [7] – This was a great review of an IRA conversion at Vanguard. I’m going to bookmark it for the future! -Million Dollar Journey

5 Tips for Borrowing Money From Family [8] – This is a great list of things to consider when you’re borrowing money from a family member. -Three Thrifty Guys

What to Do After Paying Off Debt [9] – It’s so great when you’ve finally paid off all of your debt but then there’s always the question of, “What now?” -MoneySmartLife

Using Credit Carefully to Weather Tough Times [10] – I thought this was a very relevant article as using credit can sometimes be helpful or necessary. -Money Under 30

4 Reasons Why Successful Investors Choose Dividend Investing [11] – I’ve been reading this dividend investing series with interest! -FreeMoneyFinance

Easy Things You Can Do to Save You Money [12] – This was a pretty basic list but I always find these sorts of things a good reminder of ways to save money every day. -Lazy Man’s Money

Factor In Closing Costs When Buying a Home [13] – I didn’t know a lot about closing costs so found this an informative read. -GenXFinance