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Gift Wrap Party, Downsized TV, Mutual Funds, and More

I mentioned during my Cyber Monday Shopping Extravaganza [1] that tonight is our annual gift wrap party.

I’m hoping that all of the gifts I ordered online over the last few days arrive by this afternoon, so I can get a jump start on our gift wrapping [2].

Gift Wrap Party

If you’ve never been to a gift wrap party, it’s definitely something you should try to organize with friends! You get together with a bunch of friends and bring all of your presents and gift wrap. While we wrap, we eat, drink, and socialize.

Not only is it a fun holiday party, but you also get a lot done… and we all know that time is very precious during the holiday season! Every minute at the party that I spend wrapping, is a minute of wrapping that I avoid on Christmas Eve. And you don’t have to worry about kids peeking in and seeing something they shouldn’t!

Of course, my favorite part is seeing what everyone else has purchased for their friends and family members. It’s a great way to gather ideas for those on my list who I still haven’t found the perfect gift for. If I remember (between glasses of wine!) I’ll try and jot some of the ideas down and share them with you for some inspiration!


Downsized TV. The discussion is heating up on the Downsized TV Show [3]. As we learn more about the family (and the mom’s Chanel earrings [4]), it’s becoming very obvious how they got themselves in this situation.

Mutual Fund Settlement Deadline. I finally got all of our paperwork submitted for the Mutual Fund Settlements [5]. Just a friendly reminder, the deadline is next Wednesday!

Unemployment Exhausted. Yesterday was the end of extended unemployment benefits [6] for two million Americans. Hopefully, those who have run out of benefits won’t be hit with a double whammy when they find out if they need to pay taxes on unemployment [7]. Do you think Congress will once again pass an extension?


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