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Finance Tips: Advice for Recent Grads

Are you headed to graduation parties this weekend? In between parties, make sure to catch up on these inspiring personal finance reads [1]!

Source: Doug88888 [2]

Advice for Recent Grads

Finance Reads

The Many College-Related Decisions [7] – This is a super in-depth post and, in my opinion, a must-read for anyone with kids looking at college in the next few years. -FreeMoneyFinance

Money Tips When Getting Your First Job [8] – Managing your finances wisely from the start is so important so read this and then share it with all the young people you know! -Stupid Cents

8 Money Lies That Damage Your Finances & Hurt Your Marriage [9] – A great read for any couple. -Money Crashers

Low Expense Ratios – More Important for Your Returns Than You Think [10] – We’re big fans of low expense ratios too! -CashMoneyLife

Rule of Thumb: How Much Car Can I Afford? [11] – MMB offers some good tips for anyone who is in the market for a new car and trying to figure out how much to spend. -My Money Blog

Why Income Security is the New Job Security [12] – The idea behind this article is so true and makes a ton of sense. -MoneySmartLife

5 Maintenance Tips That Will Extend the Life of Your Appliances [13] – If your appliances last longer, that means you have more money to redirect towards other goals! -MoneyNing

Preparing for Sequestration – Tips for Taking a 20% Pay Cut [14] – A really helpful read if you’re looking at a paycut in the near future, whatever the reason may be. -Three Thrifty Guys

Carnival of Personal Finance [15] – Amanda wrote about Where to Find Coupons for Your Favorite Products [16] in the Carnival of Personal Finance.