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A Penny Saved is… $6,977.03!

My favorite article this week is Every Penny Counts [1] at The Dollar Stretcher. (Found on StumbleUpon [2] early this morning when I couldn’t sleep.)

Whenever my friends and family downplay the results of saving a little money here or there, I almost always respond with “What if you invested that money for 40 or 50 years?” or something similar. Some of them hear it so often, they even preface what they’re going to say with, “I know, I know, if I invested this forever, I would have a ton of money… but I’m going to buy X with it instead.”

This article drives home my point! $6 over 50 years (or just one penny each month) turned into $6,977.03 used to pay off a high interest credit card!

Why Couldn’t I Sleep?

With just a few days of work left, I found out about a potentially huge change at my employer. How would you feel if merely weeks after you left, your employer came out with a significant buy-out package? At this point I don’t know a lot of the details, but to say I can’t sleep… is an understatement! I’m going to give HR a call later this morning and discuss what it might mean for the contract that I already signed to begin my leave.

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