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Social Security Calculator, 1936 Budget, and More

Last spring, Social Security announced they’ll no longer send the annual statement [1].

While you can still use the SSA’s Social Security Calculator [2] to estimate your benefits, the government calculator left a lot to be desired as far as planning and maximizing your benefit.

New AARP Social Security Calculator

The new AARP Social Security Benefits Calculator [3] helps to fill in those missing, but important details. You can use the data outputs from the government calculator to find out how to maximize your benefits and determine the best time to claim social security.

If you are married, the calculator helps determine how to maximize your monthly benefit in conjunction with your spouse, which can be a mix of claiming your own benefits and claiming spousal benefits during different years. In addition, it has some helpful sliders to integrate the impact of social security benefits [4] if you are still working.

Of course, neither of the calculators estimate the impact of what might happen to social security benefits after the debt ceiling issue is resolved, but as of today they’re accurate…

Budgeting in 1936

Rent, $12.50. One gallon of milk, 20 cents. Intrigued? Here’s a look at one family’s buried treasure: Household Ledger from 1936 [5].

Investing & Taxes

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